What do you think - how long before all religion is no more?
I live in rural Scotland, a country that is probably still quite religious on the surface. Yet, I rarely come across anyone that is in the least bit religious.
As for me, I DAd from JWs after over 40 years as a baptized member. My wife of almost 38 years is still involved, although less so each passing year. Hopefully, she'll be out in the next few years. All of our 4 children have totally given up on the JW religion. They, like me, embrace Atheism/Humanism and are leading good, productive lives.
I was born into a third generation JW family. My older brother DAd rather than being DFd, my younger sister left before I was baptized after being counselled rather severely in the TMS about the length of her skirt. My mother, aged 94, and still living an independent life in her little bungalow, gave up on the JWs about 50 years ago, when no one in the congregation offered any help or assistance when my father was suffering from polio - one of the last cases recorded in Glasgow, Scotland. Mum never found the so-called love that is the hallmark of the JWs. I was too young to know what was going on at the time, being just 4 or 5 years old.
Given that I reckon that very few people are really religious anymore, at least in the sense of belonging to a specific church and attending their set services on a regular basis, I can't see religion gaining any momentum, at least in the Western world. The Muslim world is, perhaps, a different case. This observation makes me think that religion is not just on the wane, but is heading fast for obscurity - maybe not in my lifetime, (I' m 57 years old), but sometime soon (I use this term in the normal English usage sense). Yet, despite the facts, most people I encounter are as highly moral as before...
What is your observation?