Just wondering if you can be in a JC for being on apostate sites. I'm not talking about if you clicked on something by mistake. Anybody know? Does it say it in the elders book?
Baptised and on this or other apostate sites - DF'ing Offense???
by cognac 43 Replies latest jw friends
Mickey mouse
Yes, reading apostate literature (including websites) is a DF offence.
lifelong humanist
If someone was to be hauled before a JC for being on an apostate site, the elder collating the information would also have to be doing something that he shouldn't have been doing. So, in JW land, also being guilty, I can't see how he could then excuse himself and take any action.
Is this site classed as apostate?
Is this site classed as apostate?
Awww you laughing at me? :P
I was being serious....LOL!! It cant be apostate if other baptised witnesses are on here, and not thinking about leaving. Right? Help a girl out here...lol!
WTL, what do you think apostate means? Dictionary defined: a person who forsakes his religion, cause, party, etc.
Everyone who changes religions is apostate. The apostle Paul was an apostate Jew. My mother switched from Catholic to JW, which makes her an apostate Catholic. People who cease to become JWs are apostates of JWism whether they have formally disassociated, had their baptism revoked or just informally left (faded). Apostacy is about no longer identifying as a member of a religion, not about actively trying to destroy a religion (although some apostates will try to do that). Many people here who have left the JWs have not left God or Christ. The Watchtower Society (WTS) wants you to believe that leaving them is the same as leaving God. Not true at all.
Ah yes, nice point....the WTS putting leaving in the same sentence as leaving God. I knew a family back in the late 90s that all left, all of a sudden. The father had been an MS, then one day, they all just left. None of them were ever Df'd, nor did they Da themselves. That's 10+yrs ago now, and witnesses we know still talk to them when they see them etc, because they were never Df'd. The father claims that he still believes its the truth, and that 'when the call goes out', he will be there saying he's a witness. Yet others say he wont be saved because he hasn't been a practising witness, and has been celebrating as 'worldly' people do.
Tell me, those of you that have left....did you immediately start celebrating birthdays, xmas etc? And with xmas.....did it ever bother you, I mean, knowing what we know that Jesus wasnt born on that day? Or was it more just a celebration and family time?
this is the ultimate site for Apostates who wish to help and expose the WTS , the mother of all Apostates, baptized Dubs are more then welcome because I feel it is a like saving work that Simon and the Mods do here in keeping us up to date with the constant lies and filth that spews forth from the WTS, and there are many like my self who will be screaming from the rooftops when the WTS is finally destroyed and it's leaders are sent to hell to burn eternally for their unrepentant sins. The WTS is a fraud and filthy lie which destroys lives and has sent tens of thousands to death, with their blood/organ ban, it continually condones the filthy paedophiles amongst it's ranks, and keeps stock in Defence Companies that peddle death and misery to innocent people around the Globe, hardly neutral are they? So yes this is an Apostate site in WTS eyes and rightly so, but is exposing the real Apostate;The WTS!
Answering the original question, YES you can be D/F'ed for visiting this site, if your elders find you are not repentant
Cognac do you mind if we hijack a little bit?
WTL, I was one of those people that became agnostic upon leaving the JWs. I did start celebrating holidays right away, not because I believe in any religious ideas associated with them, but because it's a fun way to connect with friends and family who aren't JWs.
I have never felt bad about anything since leaving because I am firmly convinced that what JWs teach is NOT the truth. That is the difference between moving on to a happy and fulfilling life, or forever feeling guilt over not living up to what you think God expects of you. Definitely do research on the validity of their teachings.