Hi, new to the board!

by SYN 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • SYN

    Hi all. I hope my user name doesn't offend anyone - it actually stands for the [SYN] command your computer uses to connect to other computers on the Web, not what you were thinking!

    Is this board mainly for JW or ex-JW people? Curious...

    Also...I have heard the phrase 'dub' used to describe JW people. Where does it come from? Does anyone know?

    Hoping to hear from people soon

    "I see no good reasons why the views given in this volume should shock the religious sensibilities of anyone." -- Charles Darwin, The Origin Of Species, 1869.

  • Valis

    greetings SYn. Most of the people here are ex Jdubs...like they call George W. Bush dub or Gdubya, or some such craziness. We have some JWs who pop in from time to time, many having doubts, and some who care to come and antagonize....but all are welcome. Have a good time and I'm sure you will find your own insight into the experience...

  • outnfree

    Hello, SYN! (syn for synergy?)

    and welcome to you and Valis!

    I am an ex-JW (jay-dubbleya) who disassociated herself this past March.

    Stick around, as Valis said, lots of insight to be had here...


    When the truth is found to be lies
    and all the joy within you dies ...
    -- Darby Slick, Somebody to Love

  • Englishman


    You Know how people with Volkswagens call them "Vee-Dubs"? (Dub being the shortened form of double u?)

    That's it!


    Bring on the dancing girls!

  • JT

    welcome aboard- one thing you will quickly notice is that the views span the entire length of the board-

    all views are welcome, but you will be challenged if you just throw something out there and expect others to accept it because "I said So"

    this is a community like anyother, some are polite others are rude
    you deal with folks according to how they deal with you

    if they show you respect then likewise if they don't avoid them then-

    please and i beg of you don't confuse not agreeing wih you on a matter as being the same as disliking you-

    many of us get along fine ,but we don't agree on every point

    unlike in WT you had to agree on every point- or at least pretend that you did in front of others- divergent views were never accepted even if you were right-

    in wt we all developed the "KINGS HAS NO CLOTHES" MINDSET


  • Kay Francis
    Kay Francis

    Welcome Syn!

    I too am new here. My husband posts here all the time and generally kept me abreast of the many topics, therefore, I really never came up here much. But then something amazing happened - I finally felt a NEED to do my own reading and posting, and must say that I feel really good about doing so. I hope you will remain and find many interesting topics and friends.

    Ain't no thang but a chicken wang!!!!

  • Mum

    Welcome to the board. I am an ex-JW, out for 22 years, and every year is better than the last. Most of us here love the exchange of ideas and learning the different perspectives of others, something we sorely missed as JW's.

    There is a lot of insight here but also lots of laughs! Enjoy.

    Seize the day, and put the least possible trust in tomorrow. - Horace

    I have learned to live each day as it comes and not to borrow trouble by dreading tomorrow. - Dorothy Dix

  • Erich

    Hi SYN,

    I am one of the "DUB's" (no ex!!). And you?? Let me encourage you to read some of my posts (it's simple, search >members< unter "Erich" and find all posts...). You are able to characterize my person in a better way then.

    If you have a special question, don't hesitate to send me an e-mail.

  • SYN

    OK...let me get this straight...there are dubs and non-dubs here. (Interesting word - dub. Last time I read that word was in Neuromancer by W. Gibson...hehe!)

    Erich, thanks for your kindness. Pity there aren't more people like you in the Org...maybe it would have been better for me while I was in it.

    It was hell on Earth.

    I never really fit in...even though I GREW UP in it. That's how bad it was. And yes, all of the petty infighting etc. were plainly evident in my ex-congregation. So sad. There were some really nice people there, but the thing that got to me the most was that nobody thought for themselves. We were *literally* sheep.

    Sigh. So many years wasted.

    "I see no good reasons why the views given in this volume should shock the religious sensibilities of anyone." -- Charles Darwin, The Origin Of Species, 1869.

  • rem



    "We all do no end of feeling, and we mistake it for thinking." - Mark Twain

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