May you have peace! Because you have not made any responsive comment in issues where I have adressed you, I am thinking that perhaps we should take this particular issue to its own thread, if you will accommodate me. In the thread entitled, "Are We Following Men?" you state:
"... Jesus has an arrangement..."
There I asked... and I do so here, as wel... would you be kind enough to tell me (1) what that arrangement is, specifically, and (2) the basis for such arrangement? And please note that I am meaning the basis as set forth by Christ himself, or at least where it [this usually means the Bible] says HE says it's his arrangement, or that anyone [in the Bible] says it's his arrangement, but not counting, please, the WTBTS basis... unless it's in the Bible.
Please note... I am not a Bible-advocate, per se; however, I do understand that there are many who still put their faith in it as God's "word" and so need to see things in writing. For me, all I need to know is that it is from the Holy Spirit. Since the WTBTS literally denies direct communication with, and direct direction by, the Holy Spirit... and teaches that God speaks to us through a book... rather than through His Son... I will accept substantiation from the Bible, if you can provide it.
Again, I am not trying to be contentious, argumentative, or disagreeable. I am asking from the same place of sincerity as you because my life could be involved. So, if you would accommodate me, I would greatly appreciate it. Therefore, show me, please? Thank you!
Any other practicing Witnesses should feel free to respond as well. I welcome your comments/input.
Your servant and, perhaps, fellow (?) slave of Christ,