In the New Order can we pull nuts off with impunity?
pjs is a Pentecostal Dub! I just fell off my chair.
Can you guys tell I need entertainment?
by villabolo 26 Replies latest jw friends
In the New Order can we pull nuts off with impunity?
pjs is a Pentecostal Dub! I just fell off my chair.
Can you guys tell I need entertainment?
"Can you guys tell I need entertainment?"
Sometimes ya feel like a nut, sometimes ya don't
I'm easy to entertain.............
So what is that song of the sword? Sword of judgment?
There are far more entertaining threads then this one Dinah and Mrs Jones.....
Maybe I'll start one... Of course, I am a boring dud.....
Have you heard the song of the She Wolf?
pjschipper; I think you are having lucid dreams. I had them when I was a child of three and they were so vivid that I could not tell whether I was asleep or awake.
That was Holy Spirit??? Jesus Freakin' Christ------
From now on I am the Budgoddess
All Hail Me! Cos I have no clue!
I can't tell what's going on here.
I was away for a week and I come back and it's like Disneyland here. LOL
OHHHHH!!!!! Magic Mountain rides! Whooop! We got a bonus!
From the moment it leaves the nest
it searches for a thorn tree,
and does not rest until it has found one.
Then, singing among the savage branches,
it impales itself
upon the longest, sharpest spine.
I have a few questions.
If, from the moment the bird leaves the nest, it does nothing but search for a thorn tree to kill itself on, how is the species propagated? And what were its parents thinking by taking time to mate, build a nest and raise a suicidal chick? Shouldn't they have been looking for their own thorns to die on, too?
parakeet, of the thornless-tree class
BTW, I'm not hijacking this thread, as chipper did not make his purpose clear.