They have to pussyfoot around when it is- it has to be soon, around the corner to keep the captive slaving vigorously for the GB...but they are careful not to put a date or time limit (such as the 1914 generation blunder)....
Why do JW's pussyfoot around saying what Armegeddon really is?
by Sour Grapes 36 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
What if its all an allegory like Jonah and the story of Nineveh.
It will be a happifying experience.
What kind of meds do you have to be on to come up with a word like Happifying...
I read the word "happifying" here on the forums first (I'm not native English, in my language there's no such made up word). When I first saw it in context, the term conveyed a thought of brainwashing or hypnosis to forcefully make someone happy. Not that it's not the truth, but I found it funny to even admit that in the literature
Isn't 'happifying' a wt word? or was it 'happified'?
:Why do JW's pussyfoot around saying what Armegeddon really is?
In order to assist Jehovah's Spirited-Directed(tm) Governing Body help JWs be a bit more candid in field service presentations, I worked up and submitted 4 different presentations they could include in their Kingdom Ministry.
I haven't received a response from them yet, but I'm sure they will take my fine efforts into prayerful consideration and implement them real soon now.
Field Service Presentations That Tell the Truth
:Isn't 'happifying' a wt word? or was it 'happified'?
Some Really Dumb Watchtower Words
I wonder if any of them have the guts to tell the house owner: "believe, or else I'm gonna own your house after Armagheddon".
go pick that 5 million dollar house in beverly hills and take it over: "god gave me this property for being a beleiver"
Mickey mouse
For the same reason that terms like "ethnic cleansing" and "the final solution" came about.