reasons for the new song book, according to a dub

by highdose 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • Duncan

    Songs wear out. Got to get new ones from time-to-time.

    Same thing with the truth.

  • Finally-Free

    Any new release, regardless of how pathetic it might be, is a high point in a JWs life. You take away their new releases and they have nothing to live for.


  • sir82
    At our district convention, it was specifically said it was partly due to the fact that some of the old songs were difficult to sing, and also because some of the old songs reflected old light.

    Yeah, and it was "specifically said" in 1990 that the change to "donations only" for the literature was merely to "simplify things".

    Ditto for the removal of food service at assemblies - it was "specifically said" this will "simplify things".

    It was "specifically said" that one of the reasons for the change to congregation book studies was the "high price of gasoline". Which promptly plunged to about one half of its price within 3 months of the announcement.

    The Society "specifically says" lots of things. The real reasons never get stated out loud.

    I heard it was because of the many court cases involving the "bees that were molested"

    Good one!

  • WTWizard

    Difficult to sing? I would like to see some of those witlesses try singing Silent Night, and doing it properly. Yet, those Christmas carols are not done away with because a few people find them difficult to sing--they make the effort to learn how to sing them. And they learn because they are really moved by the Christmas spirit--which is more than can be said about Kingdumb Maladies (which they are supposed to be memorizing and learning).

    The real reason is to blah-ify people's lives even more. You get a spike in donations for new CDs and books. But, if you make them simpler, they all sound alike, and are even more pathetic. You also have fewer of them, so they come up more often (and fewer different ones come up). Notably, they did away with the postlude in the one song that had one--instead of learning to sing it, they simply do away with it, reducing the variety that much more. And, the more you blah-ify someone's life, the less they are going to think [their way out of the cancer].

  • passwordprotected

    Number of song titles containing the word "Jesus" = 0

    Number of song titles containing the word "Jehovah" = 30

    Number of songs containing the word "Jesus" in the verse/chorus = 34

    Number of songs containing the word "Jehovah" in the verse/chorus = 272

    John 5:2 3 in order that all may honor the Son just as they honor the Father. He that does not honor the Son does not honor the Father* who sent him.

    * assuming the Father is Jehovah

  • JWoods
    I was told it was because some of them were too old and new ones were needed???

    Which would explain the reason for reprinting them, but not - of course - the reason for changing the contents.

  • angel eyes
    angel eyes

    no, new songs needed, cant reprint something that isnt already there. Yh....that the reason i heard.....exciting anyway :))

  • angel eyes
    angel eyes

    no, new songs needed, cant reprint something that isnt already there. Yh....that the reason i heard.....exciting anyway :))

  • isaacaustin

    actually, the real ttue reason is that they realized that they had too many songs praising their version of Jehovah but not enough songs prasing the GB. So they fixed that.

  • scotinsw

    I find it hilarious that the songs written by the brother who recently got DF'd are still in!

    I always found it strange that no matter how many times we sang the songs we still needed to read the words but after a couple of times hearing a song on the radio I could sing along no problem!

    The only one I knew off by heart was We're JWs - i used to sit on the bus when I was about 3 years old singing it much to my mums embarassment!

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