Newer visitors to this board may not be aware of the fact that the first 4 Watchtower leaders were all sexual deviants. I cannot for the life of me figure out how the Creator could have personally selected these 4 men as leaders of his only true religion to be examples for all of the faithful.
I especially cannot figure out how the Creator would figure these 4 sexual deviants should be used to give sexual marital advice and advice on raising children, since only 1 of the 4 had a kid and he pretty much abandoned that kid for a good part of the kids life. Also, he was the only one who had ever actually HAD sexual relations although they were mostly adulterous ones.
Charles Taze Russell took "The Vow" before his marriage to Maria. He also publically encouraged his followers to take "The Vow", too. What was "The Vow?" It was to remain celebate all through life. He kept "The Vow." Maria divorced him. Russell actually did screw Maria, but not in the marital sense. He did it by trying to drive her into abject poverty.
Not exactly the kind of candidate to give marital advice, is he?
Joseph Franklin Rutherford and his wife Mary were estranged and separated from most of their marriage. There is no record of him even visiting her when he went to Southern California each winter from 1929 until his death in 1942, even though she also lived in Southern California. His only child Malcolm would have nothing to do with his father for most of his life and didn't even bother to attend his father's funeral. Neither did Rutherford's wife.
Rutherford was no doubt an adulterer, probably with Bonnie Boyd Heath and most certainly with Berta Teel as I've revealed in an earlier thread a few years back. Even Bethel old-timers who knew Rutherford wouldn't deny it when the subject was brought up. They said, "what could you expect from a man who's wife was an invalid?" There is no evidence Mary Rutherford was an invalid, by the way.
Not exactly the kind of candidate to give marital advice, is he?
Nathan Homer Knorr was obsessed with the male organ. Ask anyone who served in Bethel during Knorr's reign of terror. Knorr even went so far as to tell the new boys in Bethel how to urinate without touching "it." There were rumors he had homosexual feelings and felt guilty about it. Of that, no one can know. But we do know that even though he did get married while at Bethel, he never consummated his marriage with Audrey. She has privately admitted such. It looks like "The Vow" taken by Russell was also followed by Knorr.
What a horrible disservice to Maria Russell and Audrey Knorr, both normal women with normal human desires. What an abomination against the whole holy purpose of marriage these men committed, these men who were PERSONALLY chosen by Jehovah God himself to lead the "True and Only True Religion."
Not exactly the kind of candidate to give marital advice, is he?
The fourth President, Frederick William Franz was a confirmed bachelor for his 99 years of life. One of his favorite pastimes was going to the sauna with the Bethel boys. That activity could be innocent enough, though. What is NOT innocent was Fred pharisaical and graphically detailed taboos on sexual practices among MARRIED COUPLES in the consensual privacy of their own bedrooms!
He was the one who gave us the spiritual wisdom from Jehovah that teenage girls were no different than cows in heat! He was the one who said a spouse could not get a scriptural divorce if their mate had homosexual intercourse, and a spouse could not get a scriptural divorce if their mate had intercourse with animals!
He was the one who basically said oral sex among consenting spouses was an abomination.
This guy never got laid once in his life and he knew what was best for keeping married couples happy?
Not exactly the kind of candidate to give marital advice, is he?
I don't know much about the 5th and last Watchtower President, Uncle Milton Henschel, except he died and hardly anybody knew about it and nobody cared about it.
At least he didn't try to give any marital advice, so perhaps he was a better guy than the other 4 sexual deviants put together.