1.) We know that our forefathers left there to get away from oppressive forms of government and religious persecution.
2.) We fought several wars against and with certain countries.
3.) You would all be speaking German right now if not for us saving your asses!!
4.) We rebuilt half of your Europe and all you do is disrespect us when we come to visit. (You know who you are France)
5.) Swiss make great watches and pistols.
6.) Germans have the best chocolate and cars.
7.) Italy has the best seafood. (ok, Iceland isn't so bad either)
8.) Great Britain has the best drunks and punk rock!!
9.) Spain & Italy have some fine looking women!!! (Ok, England has Crumpet, but she's actually in Colorado visiting right now)
10. ) Did I mention there wouldn't be a Europe if not for the USA, just the German 3rd Reich?
- Wing Commander