This really happened? COs really take the money and don't say, "put it in the contribution box?" Did you put it in there hand or in a card that they opened later?
COs and Green Handshakes
by cognac 14 Replies latest jw friends
I would put it in a card.
Every CO visit I would empty my meager savings and give it all to them.
I'd usually hand them a $100 bill when I shook their hand goodbye and always, for some reason, got assembly parts. Hmm.
I always gave the CO a twenty dollar bill.
Being a volunteer worker sucks. They can use every penny.
I saw lots of Green Handshakes..
JW Kids are`nt noticed and they see everything..
I didn't give em anything. But I saw elders - usually kiss-ass elders - slip them money or buy them things. They got new tires for their car or trailer, new TVs, clothes. They had better shit than I did.
And then the congregation would vote on paying for their expenses. I used to vote for it, but after a bad experience with the congregation voting on a matter and the hard feelings it provoked, I quit voting, so I feel pretty good not having given them anything and for the last several years I was in, I didn't vote to give em anything either. Bastards...let em go get a job like the rest of us.
May you all have peace!
The Spirit never "moved" me to give such men anything. It almost always moved me to give something to the single sister with 3-4 little kids who lived in some ratty little house/apartment and fed her kid with foodstamps... or the sister with kids whose spouse (unbelieving AND unbelieving) was a bit of a deadbeat ... or the elderly sister who had no "worldly" family to "help" her (although not necessarily by their choice).
But able-bodied men who lived off the sheep? Nope. Never. Always heard the Spirit say, "anyone that does not want to work, neither let him eat." I worked. Always. And I though, heck, if the woman Prisca could work right along side Paul (who literally worked) and her husband, Aquila, sewing tents... who are these... and their wives... not to work... but to live off the sheep? Er?!
The TRUTH is that it was their duty to "keep a watch over [MY] soul" (whichs means over my BODY... not my SPIRIT or my FAITH)... and thus make sure me and MY kids had food and clothing. Hebrews 13:17; Luke 11:22; 2 Corinthians 1:24; Acts 6:1-3
But, they abuse the admonitions "do not muzzle a bull while its threshing" (Deuteronomy 25:4)and that "the worker is worthy of the wage" (Luke 10:7) because they follow PAUL... rather than Christ. See, from time to time Paul and those with him would stay in the house of a disciple and share good news with the household and its neighbors. When they did, they accepted such ones hospitality... and thre was nothing wrong with that. But they partook of such provisions only when they stayed with individuals. And they only stayed in the houses they were "sent" to... or who invited them. For the MOST part, however, they traveled... and slept wherever, doing odd jobs to cover their expenses while they did. On [very] rare occasions, they would ask for help from the congregation. Acts 16:14, 15; Acts 18:3; 1 Corinthians 4:11, 12; 1 Thessa;onians 2:9; 2 Thessalonians 3:8, 10
As for the WTBTS COs, for years prior to when they were given little apartments at the Kingdom Halls, these would stay with a different family every week or so, in direct violation of my Lord's admonition at Matthew 10:11; Luke 10:7. There, my Lord told his disciples to stay in the house of whoever received them in peace and eat and drink what such householder provided. He told them NOT to take any money or food, etc., and to not even greet people on the road. But THAT was beause he was SENDING them to specific households... and they were to go straight there. That was a TEMPORARY arrangement, however (Matthew 10:9, 10; Luke 9:3; 10:4), as he later modified his instructions, something they VERY conveniently overlook. Luke 22:35, 36
And so, there you have it.
I bid you peace!
A slave of Christ,
I almost never gave them anything. They had an expense account to submit if they needed anything. Once in a great while, I would treat at a restaurant to the C.O. but I didn't give the green handshakes. I made elder fast enough without doing it be before I really understood the green handshake. I never had assembly parts, but was thrilled not to have them. Standing guarding a door or cleaning toilets was fine for me during assemblies.
One C.O. said he put half of every "donated" dollar away for when he might have to leave the circuit work. I think he bragged a bit about saving for "the worst" like that so he would get even more.
Sour Grapes
I usally folded up a $50 bill and gave the green handshake.
I also had numerous parts on the circuit assembly.
Sour Grapes
When I was in pioneer school, at some point in the lecture, one of the two CO's went off for a couple minutes on what a green handshake was and how it showed Godly appreciation for his appointed men.
They still didn't get one from me.
- Lime