Breaking News: Big Trouble with the Watchtower

by Bethelite Elder 159 Replies latest jw friends

  • Farkel

    Sigh. If only JWs would as be skeptical about their own religion as we all are about what is said about their own religion.

    Farkel, Dream On CLASS



    We get lots of Storys..

    Until theres Proof..

    It`s just a Story..


    Don`t fall off your Soap Box..


  • daniel-p

    AE's typical bullshit aside (yes, go f*&% yourself, AE), it would be nice to have more info on this, espeically since it's coming from a new poster. THe part that makes me especially suspicious is the Oprah invitation and major book deal. Also, this is not anywhere near "the worst story" in connection with how Watchtower treats people.

  • quietlyleaving

    thanks for posting this bethel elder - it sounds very believable to me

    edit: very skeptical about a book deal or Orprah materializing though. The story itself sounds very characteristic of WTS shenannigans

  • daniel-p

    Sigh. If only JWs would as be skeptical about their own religion as we all are about what is said about their own religion.

    Farkel, don't lament our reasoning ability--we've simply regained a healthy sense of suspicion... something the Jdubs don't have. We do have aguy's name, though. I wonder if there would be a way to verify if this Mel Smith was, indeed a Bethelite.

  • Bethelite Elder
    Bethelite Elder

    Why don't you just call him? Google

  • The Almighty Homer
    The Almighty Homer

    I guess trying to take money away from god's kingdom is a great sin.

    Its one of the ten isn't ?

  • leavingwt
    The chairman/ PO sent him a certified letter with a blank sheet of paper inside; to supposedly invite him to a Judicial Committee.

    Why not just send an actual letter, requesting his presence at a JC?

    They don't need a legitimate reason to DF someone who does attend a JC. So, this particular detail of the story is strange, IMHO.

  • daniel-p

    Since you would like to know so bad, why don't you just call him. Are you suspicious of using Google too? or would you just like to talk jibberish and bouces around in doubt. It's not that hard to find anyone nowadays fare fellows.

    No need to be a dick, man. Not all of us are immediately suspicious, but just want more info. I did indeed google his name and came up with nothing. Do you have his contact info? Which complex did he serve at? How did you hear of his situation?

    These are not questions to discredit you, just to elaborate the story a little.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Bethelite Elder,

    Melchester Smith? Was he a Walkill Watchman guy about 5 years ago?

    I would love to see one of these cases blow open on WT. If I would have had just a little recorder for some of the conversations I witnessed, I could become a millionaire! Unfortunately, WT lawyers are sharp at burying the sh!t.

    B the X

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