(Truth be known, I am a bit of a softy, with a nice @$$shole exterior)
I think when we leave Jehovah's Witnesses, there is this time where we look back, and it is absolutely killer. Damn, what a waste. All the people, the time, the amount of our heart and soul we gave to a made up dream.
And we come out of it, and some days, of all the people we hate, we hate ourselves most of all, because we view ourselves as ugly.
Everyone has defaults that say that we are, deep down, good enough. But we have been taught not to believe that. We are so ugly. And on top of that, beaten up.
But you are wrong.
I give you Susan Boyle. And I have a challenge for you.
Just watch the damn video all the way through. Please?
Because this is you.
What made the Susan Boyle phenomenom what it was is because on the outside, Susan is homely. Some would say ugly.
She's too old.
Too bad no one else told her that. Because she is awesome!
I urge you to see yourself, in your JW and post JW existence.
You think you are ugly.
You think others judge you from your looks.
Others judge you as too little too late.
And yet, if you have the courage to sing your song, I promise you, angels will cry.
Don't be cynical. Just watch the video, and learn. Allow yourself to be inspired.
Please, just see yourself here. I love you all. (and I am a sucker for Les Miserable, esp this song, wow!)
The world will be just as surprised as the judges were, and you will be loved... Don't give up!!