You Used to be a Jehovah's Witness? What an Ugly Human You Are! (until you get a glimpse of the beauty)

by AllTimeJeff 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • AllTimeJeff

    (Truth be known, I am a bit of a softy, with a nice @$$shole exterior)

    I think when we leave Jehovah's Witnesses, there is this time where we look back, and it is absolutely killer. Damn, what a waste. All the people, the time, the amount of our heart and soul we gave to a made up dream.

    And we come out of it, and some days, of all the people we hate, we hate ourselves most of all, because we view ourselves as ugly.

    Everyone has defaults that say that we are, deep down, good enough. But we have been taught not to believe that. We are so ugly. And on top of that, beaten up.

    But you are wrong.

    I give you Susan Boyle. And I have a challenge for you.

    Just watch the damn video all the way through. Please?

    Because this is you.

    What made the Susan Boyle phenomenom what it was is because on the outside, Susan is homely. Some would say ugly.

    She's too old.

    Too bad no one else told her that. Because she is awesome!

    I urge you to see yourself, in your JW and post JW existence.

    You think you are ugly.

    You think others judge you from your looks.

    Others judge you as too little too late.

    And yet, if you have the courage to sing your song, I promise you, angels will cry.

    Don't be cynical. Just watch the video, and learn. Allow yourself to be inspired.

    Please, just see yourself here. I love you all. (and I am a sucker for Les Miserable, esp this song, wow!)

    The world will be just as surprised as the judges were, and you will be loved... Don't give up!!

  • LucyA

    I don’t think people judge me on my looks!

    I'm a total nerd (Lab technician)!

    I Know I'm average looking and I'm ok with that! Because long after the attractive peoples looks fade. I will still be smarter than them and I'm happy with that!

  • AllTimeJeff

    My point is this

    It doesn't matter what we look like. It does matter how we see ourselves.

  • palmtree67

    Sometimes, you see a person who looks really attractive on the outside. But when you get to know them and they turn out to be a nasty-ass person, they start to look ugly to you.

    Sometimes, you see a person who at first doesn't look very attractive on the outside. But when you get to know them, and find out all their wonderful qualities - they begin to look very beautiful.

    This is a truism that I have learned in life.

  • Hope4Others

    Les Miserable I saw that at a live play, it was so beautiful I think I cried.....

    Susan boyle sings like and angel you can see by the audience there first impression even Simon. Did she put them all to shame.

    Its so important to show, treat and give respect to all people. We all have feelings, hurts and sorrows. I hope I never hurt anyone in all my life.


  • boyzone

    So many of us were taught or ar still taught to see ourselves as "ugly" because we couldn't measure up to the Watchtower's relentless workload or the constant scrutinizing from the congregation to be an "approved associate".

    Some of us still think the WT are right and we're a failed JW, we just weren't good enough. We're still ugly.


    We ARE beautiful! Every single one of us! Look what we've done! Look what we've achieved!

    All of us have walked away (for whatever reason) from a high control religious authority that demanded total obedience or be punished. Don't you think that took courage? It did, it took a huge amount of courage.

    And if you were thrown out? Now you know the WT were frauds, how much courage do you think it takes not to go crawling back like they want you to? How much pressure have you withstood from close family and friends? How much "encouragement" from the elders have you seen for what it really is? How much false gossip and backbiting have you endured? How much real, uncondition love do you show now compared to when you were a JW?

    All of us should take a look at ourselves and be enormously proud of what we've achieved. Every single one of us, without exception, have shown more courage and integrity than any JW sitting at the Kingdom Hall right now.

    So don't ever let them convince us we're still "ugly". We're not. We're stunningly beautiful and we should be proud to show it. Just like Susan Boyle. She knew she wasn't a physical beauty but she had a hidden beauty that she wanted to share. Now its our turn. Lets share our hidden beauty with the world, our love, our courage, our integrity, or self-worth, ourselves.

    Show them how beautiful you really are by living your life to the full, in other words, let your heart SING!

  • BorgHater

    Jeff, i happened to see the pictures you posted of yourself a while ago on the Yuku forum - in your jw days and after. I have to say, in your witness days you were cute, but in post jw picture you look hot! Hehe, just shows what leaving the Watchtower can do for your looks

    BorgHater x

  • wobble

    Thanks Boyzone, I always knew I was beautiful really, although my Mum had shutters on my pram so that if people asked to see the baby,she would whip them open and shut again in a flash so the people weren't traumatised !

    Thanks AT Jeff for the thread, I think on here,although we cannot see eachother the beauty shines through,even with piss-takers like Outlaw, the guy has a heart of pure gold. And the love and kindness and respect shown by all on here is a beautiful thing to see from lovely, lovely people.

    Lets all walk tall and proud, and if we get any kind of chance lets show those Dubs that we are happy,spiritually strong people,even if many of us on here do not believe in God,we are still strong, and proud of what we are.



  • AllTimeJeff

    Hi gals and guys...

    To me, Susan Boyle is a metaphor to how we ex JW's sometimes perceive others as looking at us, because of our past. Or even worse, how we sometimes view ourselves. Sometimes, we judge ourselves only on the ugliness of our JW past, and not how we really are.

    That lesson is this: Others can judge you superficially at first, but we can still wow them if we go out there and not give up, no matter where we find ourselves in life.

  • parakeet

    I once saw a show on Discovery Health about an extremely obese man (the kind of obesity that firemen had to enlarge the doorway to get him through). His wife was about 4'10", 200 pounds, and had maybe 4 teeth. You get the picture.

    My first response was disgust at the man and to dismiss the wife as "trailer trash."

    The man was admitted into a special facility for the extremely obese. This facility was in another state, but the wife, though very poor, scraped together what she could and stayed at a nearby cheap motel. She described how she had cared for her husband over the years without a trace of self-pity and how fearful she was for his health.

    Despite treatment, the husband died. His wife was devastated, but even through her tears, held onto her dignity and only talked about what a wonderful husband he was and how she would miss him.

    By the end of the show, I was ashamed of myself for judging these people by their appearance. They truly loved each other. And she willingly, without judging or resenting, sacrificed a good portion of her life to care for him and be with him. I don't know if I would have been able to do as much in the same situation.

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