Is he what you expected? Any second thoughts??
Has President Obama Disappointed You?
by minimus 38 Replies latest jw friends
So far, I'm happy with his performance.
I may not agree with everything he's done or said... but as a whole I think he's doing great.
:Has President Obama Disappointed You?
No. He has not. He's exactly what I expected him to be. The only thing that disappointed me is that I had hoped he wouldn't be as bad as I thought he might be. But he's worse.
Yes, he hasn't brought about ARMAGEDDON yet!
He's done some things I disagree with, but after the last guy we had I'll take him!
Do you think Obama is trying to institute socialism for the USA?
diana netherton
He's exactly what I predicted. I predict his popularity will wane.
The Olympic thing is an embarrassment to him, I think. The world doesn't look at him or his opinions as all that special.
Since I didn't expect anything he can't dissappoint me.
What he is trying to institute is not socialism. It is statism, the idea that the central government should run everything. You'll turn over most of your money to the state, which will provide housing, education, health care, day care, transportation, water, sewer, garbage collection, retirement, etc. You'll be left with buying the groceries and maybe a little pin money.
You know what dissappoints me, JeffT.....there are so many people that WANT just what you described and would be perfectly content with this kind of nanny state.