Lets just face it humans are odd.
Nearly all here are proof of it.
We were able at one time to believe so fully in an idea that we gave our lives to it , and now we don’t.
Although this subject has been discussed many times before It is something that frustrates me , big time.
Well we all at one time thought we knew it all. The meaning of life the real history of human kind why we die why there is suffering and many more of life’s mysteries were plain and simple to us.
Gradually came the realisation that things were not as we had thought.
What was once so obvious was now so obviously wrong.
So how do humans manage to believe fervently on issues that to others make no sense?
Is there a “magic” explanation or piece of logic that can convince any witness with a functioning mind the error of their beliefs?
You can bring up 607, false prophecy, paedophiles, UN , validity of the Bible , evolution and science.
Yet no matter how good you are at reasoning on these subjects you will not convince all of the truth.
In fact you may not convince one.
Well are people who have never been JW’s any better at reasoning , for seeing the world as it truly is?
I would say no .Each person has his own world view , his own beliefs.
Some may believe evolution caused life on earth , but only because they are taught it. They may have no better understanding of the matter than the average witness. But they see scientists as an authority.
Some believe in magic others in holy books. People have differing political views and moralistic standards. But all have a sort of belief system.
In order to be able to function as a human we must form a world view through which we interpret events.
Human need to be able to make sense of the world and to do so we must draw conclusions about how the world functions to enable us to label things ,categorise them and tuck them neatly into or life.
To jump from one world view to another usually requires the separating of more than one fact or opinion from its previous label or understanding.
A person will often need to see several of his beliefs are in error before he decides to re-align his world view, and have his paradigm shifted.
Unless a profound and major piece of evidence arises in which case the change will often be a shock to the system.
So is there the magic bullet that will enable us to shoot down the beliefs of the witnesses ?Will some one come up with such an outdstandingly reasonable aurgument against Jehovahs witnesses being right ,that all but the insane will have to recant?
Or do we have to keep on always chipping away with little bits of evidence until we break through?
How did it work for you?
I just wish there was an easy way to convince people of the real truth, but then again maybe I'm wrong now...