i'm now viewed as an apostate, in a talk I had heard this now means i've blasphemied against the holy spirit and my outcome at judgement day will be worse for me. This of course is all WT speak. I know this is totally untrue as I still have a deep reverance for God and the bible, as WT speak says the holy spirit is now removed from me can anyone enlighten me thanks.
blaspheming the holy spirit
by yellow 10 Replies latest watchtower bible
Yellow... this is a cult so they are all about mind-control. It is just another tactic to scare people into obedience and submission. Pay no attention to it. Give them no power.
You have blasphemed their spirit.
I personally don't think it's holy. If it was it wouldn't have to keep correcting itself with "new light"
Blaspheming the Holy Spirit was made up to prevent one person from being able to derail whole religions. If someone realizes that the Bible or their religion lies, they might be able to get others to see the same viewpoint. To control the damage, extreme scare tactics are needed to prevent people from looking at such material. Hence, apostasy is viewed as the worst sin.
To blasphemy against the HS one would have to go against whatis taught by and through the HS, that Jesus is the son of God, that he dies and was ressurected and suts at Our Fathers Side, that Jesus is our lord and saviour.
To say that the HS is nothing but a "active force" is blasphemy.
To reduce Jesus's role in the New Coventant is blasphemy.
To return to the Old Coventant when God gave us a new one through his son, is blasphemy.
angel eyes
why would they say you have blasphemied? Are you no longer a serving Jw? and why would they say your an apostate?
To blasphemy against the HS one would have to go against whatis taught by and through the HS, that Jesus is the son of God, that he dies and was ressurected and suts at Our Fathers Side, that Jesus is our lord and saviour.
To say that the HS is nothing but a "active force" is blasphemy.
To reduce Jesus's role in the New Coventant is blasphemy.
To return to the Old Coventant when God gave us a new one through his son, is blasphemy.
i'm now viewed as an apostate, in a talk I had heard this now means i've blasphemied against the holy spirit and my outcome at judgement day will be worse for me. This of course is all WT speak.
To blaspheme the Holy Spirit is to attribute His work to the demonic power Matthew 12:22-37
JWs are taught to do that a lot. I had a JW tell me the gift of tongues is not from the Holy Spirit but "another spirit" Acts 19:6
I know this is totally untrue as I still have a deep reverance for God and the bible, as WT speak says the holy spirit is now removed from me can anyone enlighten me thanks.
The WT say JWs are not anointed and do not have the Spirit. In that respect they are correct, you need to be born again John 3:6-8
Ask Jesus to be Lord and you will be Romans 10:9 1 Corinthians 12:3
All the best,
my outcome at judgement day will be worse for me.
1. Seems difficult in the JW system which is "yes/no" rather than "more/less": either you're "destroyed" or you're not.
2. Even the WT refrains from ascribing "blasphemy against the holy spirit" or "unforgivable sin" to individuals (except Bible characters, and they have flip-flopped quite a lot even about that). Of course things don't look too good for you if you're "apostate", but "only Jehovah knows" etc.
3. It's interesting that the context of "blasphemy against the holy spirit" in the Synoptic Gospels is about ascribing to the devil somebody else's (Jesus') actions which their author ascribe to the holy spirit... which is just what the WT has been doing consistently about every other kind of faith and religion.
keyser soze
why would they say you have blasphemied? Are you no longer a serving Jw? and why would they say your an apostate?
They view anyone who willingly leaves the JWs and speaks negatively about the WTS as both apostate, and blaspheming the holy spirit. I know it's difficult for you to accept that people you hold in such reverence would have such dogmatic views, but you can't really be that naive.
Mathew recorded (chap 12) that Jesus had this altercation with The Pharisees
At hearing this, the Pharisees said: “This fellow does not expel the demons except by means of Be·el′ze·bub, the ruler of the demons.” ............................... 31 “On this account I say to YOU, Every sort of sin and blasphemy will be forgiven men, but the blasphemy against the spirit will not be forgiven. 32 For example, whoever speaks a word against the Son of man, it will be forgiven him; but whoever speaks against the holy spirit, it will not be forgiven him, no, not in this system of things nor in that to come.
The W T commented [07 7/15.18]
"First-century Jewish religious leaders who maliciously opposed Jesus Christ were sinning against the holy spirit. They saw God’s spirit at work in Jesus as he performed miracles that honored Jehovah. Yet, these enemies of Christ attributed this power to Satan the Devil. According to Jesus, those who thus blasphemed against God’s holy spirit were thereby committing a sin that would not be forgiven in the present “system of things nor in that to come.”—Matthew 12:22-32.
Blasphemy is defamatory, injurious, or abusive speech. Since the holy spirit has God as its Source, saying things against his spirit is the same as speaking against Jehovah. Unrepentantly resorting to speech of that kind is unforgivable. Jesus’ words about such sin show that Jesus is referring to those who willfully oppose the operation of God’s holy spirit. Because Jehovah’s spirit was at work in Jesus but his opposers ascribed this power to the Devil, they sinfully blasphemed against the spirit. Hence, Jesus declared: “Whoever blasphemes against the holy spirit has no forgiveness forever, but is guilty of everlasting sin.”"BUT,,,,Does that apply to us ???
You still have a love for God and The Bible..You would not deny Jesus Christ. You have only disagreed with a magazine that is written by men in Brooklyn. What do say about a man who claims for himself the ability to interpret Scripture solely for mankind? What do you say about the man who claims that disagreeing with HIM is the same as disagreeing with God??
Who is the real apostate??
{NB formatting problems with this one!]