Witnesses have famously (and gleefully) tossed the usual Christain "T" Cross symbol overboard after having used it themselves for quite some time. One common arguement is that "if Christ had been shot by a rifle, you would not worship the image of the gun" -
And yet, they do not shy away from INSISTING on the notion of the upright torture stake. This includes making pictures of the torture stake. They insist that (unlike the churches) - they do not hold onto it as a religious symbol. I am not so sure: How can they so dogmatically claim that only an upright stake is a worthy representation for true Christians? Would it not be just as well to simply say that "we just do not know"? I will stake a claim that if you refused to blindly accept the upright stake because there really is no way to know, you could in fact be disfellowshipped for apostacy.
By seeming to be so unreasonably sure that it was an upright stake, are they not in fact making the upright stake (almost unique to JWs, BTW) into their own little bit of crucifixion symbology? Sort of like the brick watchtower image - in itself a symbolic JW icon.