Baby??? honeymoon??? a certain time to have them??

by angel eyes 90 Replies latest jw experiences

  • isaacaustin

    oh I know scotinsw, and of course it is only the fault of an elder or two for not doing their job. They blame never goes where it belongs.

    Sylvia, you know is dubland it is all about appearances.

  • wantstoleave

    I got pregnant just after my wedding (married in January, had baby in December). Im sure people looked at me funny and I know many judged me for having a baby so soon after getting married. But its none of their business when it comes down to it. Nothing wrong with honeymoon babies :) I then had my 2nd baby 18mths later. Glutton for punishment but I love them to pieces and wouldn't change a thing about the timing.

  • wobble

    I think you should have the baby first, and have the honeymoon a few years later, and after that get married.

    Only joking.

    I endorse the comments of Daniel-p above, my Wife and I had been married for seven years too, when our first lovely son was born.

    The early years of marriage are a time of adjustment to each other, and growing together, those years are not without their tensions and problems, to add to that a baby who will take nearly all your time ,love and attention, is often a recipe for disaster. Many husbands feel rejected, or at least that they have lost a lover,and then they look elsewhere.

    None of the above is inevitable of course, but think about it.

    With regard to the Congo. doing the Math. when I was young, a couple got married and had their first very quickly, they knew what people were thinking, and came back with "It is O.K a pregnancy is 9 months"

    Of course a full term pregnancy is 40 weeks, and if you work it out with this couple, she must have got pregnant at the Wedding Reception at the latest !



  • carla

    People getting pregnant on their pagan post wedding holiday? shocking.

  • kitten whiskers
    kitten whiskers

    I haven't heard of anything wrong with it. There are just always busybodies and gossips who have to count and "see" if something looks wrong.

    It was very rude and unchristian of that elder to have said such a thing. I am assuming he is speaking to a young virgin and implying improper conduct. That is spiritually devestating to someone who is following all the guideline. It gives off the feeling of distrust. What a jerk.

    I think he was implying, " Don't have a baby too close to the wedding date. We would have to count out the 40 weeks and that could put conception before the wedding. Even if the baby is naturally early, we would have to form a judicial committee and may have to disfellowship you." It is just a veiled threat. It is a terrible and evil way of thinking. It is JW thinking!

  • kitten whiskers
    kitten whiskers

    On a side note, to just answer your title...I recommend not having the baby on your honeymoon! I suggest the honeymoon first, the baby later! *snickers* (At least I made myself laugh...hope you found it funny!)

  • mouthy

    Angeleyes why would your elder tell you that ????
    Your talking sex to him ?Is he the one that studied with you alone?
    Is He the one you told you are on this board...?

    HMMM!!!!! I am beginning to think like a Jehovahs Witness!!!!!

  • Saoirse
    Just wanted to ask as i was told by an elder two weeks before i married "dont you dare have a honeymoon baby"....

    angel eyes, what goes on between you and your husband is no one else's business. There is nothing in the Bible that says that getting pregnant on your honeymoon is wrong. That elder should worry about his own life instead of sticking his nose in yours. Congrats on your wedding.

  • OnTheWayOut

    Angel Eyes, that elder was admiring your curves and had a secret desire to "have" you and didn't want to ruin his fantasy with you being preggers.

    Only kidding, you should do everything the organization and it's local representatives tell you. Start right now.

  • PSacramento

    First off, Honeymoons are a PAGAN tradition, they shoudl be banned by the WT.

    Second, every married couple should "date" for the first 1 or 2 years of their marriage, even MORE SO JW couples.

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