Well done, Blondie. We can always count on you!
"Happiest People" Reference
by tigresse 13 Replies latest watchtower bible
Who are the happiest people on earth, but those shiny happy furry monsters, the JW's?
We are Jehovah's happy, happy, people, yes we are!
They make reference to being the world's happiest people at every major boasting session. Yet, when questioned, they deny it? They are the truth, aren't they?
I can't see how they can possibly be the happiest people on earth when they take already miserable people and make them even more miserable, or choke off any sources of happiness from children that are born into the cancer. Nothing like promising salvation and solutions to their problems, only to tell them that the real problem is that they have real wants, needs, and feelings. Obviously, this cannot produce true happiness. And making children waste all their "free" time in field circus--how the f*** is that going to make them happy?