Do you know how many Kingdom Halls are in the USA?

by asilentone 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • OnTheWayOut

    But remember that the WTS does not "own" the KHs. Each KH is held as a non-profit corporation with 3 elders from the congregation in whose territory the building sits acting as trustees (who do not own the building or land either). The WTS would have to dissolve a congregation to take over as the non-profit corporation.

    Like that really means anything. They will dissolve whatever congs. they need or want to. Or they will simply tell the locals that they need to sell and give the money to WTS for the worldwide work. There are tighter controls since that one got away in Texas.

  • blondie

    It does mean that financially and legally they have no control over the assets of those halls. I'm not saying the WTS might not try to coerce some....several congregations here were "told" to send their excess cash to the WTS....the WTS is still waiting for that to happen. I have not heard of any congregations being dissolved because the WTS wanted to take over their assets. Not around here....too much bad blood. Dissolved for defying doctrinal teachings or because the publisher count had dropped too low. What you talk about is hypothetical but not something I have seem demonstrated in this area since the 1980's when the Texas affair happened.

  • WTWizard

    There are a lot of Kingdumb Hells that should be dissolved--every single one of them.

  • Joker10

    Blondie, i was able to find where the source-- and straight from

    5,965 Kingdom Halls in America in 2000.

    The large number may be due to congregations having their own halls in rural areas. Rural areas accounts for 75 percent of the nation's land.

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