"My wife just left me yesterday and took my 2 girls. She's hold up in the presiding overseers (big beautiful) custom built french country house. I know my 14 yr is probably freeking out and my sweet little 9 year old, I know, loves her Daddy. I hope she's thinking about me. I've been up for 48 hours doing almost non-stop research on the internet and praying constantly. I feel so alone but I know that my specific prayers are being specifically answered. It's like a miracle for me discovering the many truths behind the curtain after 20 years and that's a start. I guess I just need someone to talk to. All my friends are witnesses, right? I'm thinking how can reclaim my wife (of 25 years) and my children. One thing I can say for sure, I already feel a sense of freedom but in no way do I underestimate the seriousness of what I'm facing. I think I need to hire an attorney tomorrow, well, today. My wife will not speak with me so I was thinking that my first priority is to get legal custody of my children...HELP!"
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