On page 3 the Question Box asks: What should you do if directed to stop preaching?
The answer?
"In some instances, police have approached publishers who were sharing in some form of the ministry, informed them that they were violating the law, and directed them to stop. You should promptly and politely leave the territory if directed to do so. (Mat 5:41; Phil 4:5) Do not try to resolve matters on your own or by getting involved in a discussion about our legal rights. If it is possible, tactfully obtain the name and identification number of the police officer and the police station to which he is attached. Thereafter, promptly inform the elders, who will then contact the branch office about the incident. Similarly, if you are asked to leave a shopping centre, car park area, or apartment building or complex by the supervisor or representative, you should comply immediately and inform the elders. A mild and humble manner of dealing with those in authority can do much to prevent unnecessary difficulties. - Prov. 15:1; Rom. 12:18."
So if a JW is engaged in this life saving work, supposedly commissioned by Jesus himself and directed by God, but some human authority directs them to stop, they "should comply immediately" and need to "promptly and politely leave the territory"!
Are they watering down their previous die-hard stand? What happened to following the example of the Apostles?
June 15, 2008, pages 18-22, par3
"As Christians, we take a position different from that of the world. It is not that we blindly do whatever we are told. On the contrary, at times we must refuse to submit to the will of others even if they have positions of authority. This was also true of first century Christians. For instance, when the apostles were ordered to stop preaching, they did not cave in to the high priest and other authority figures who were part of the Sanhedrin. They did not abandon right conduct in order to conform to human authority.-Read Acts 5:27-29."
Is the WTS compromising its stand towards preaching? Our kingdom Ministry 2009, Question Box
by LUKEWARM 91 Replies latest jw friends
This has been a long-time position of WTS. It ain't like the apostles and it ain't like the WT organization of decades ago.
I think it's negative press for the members to protest or be uncooperative. They would expect the WTS to use it's lawyers to help them for "obeying God's laws rather than man's laws." WTS doesn't want to do all that legal representation.
The Society has not wanted to contest their civil rights and religious freedom stances for some time. Even in the late 60's and early 70's we were instructed to leave territories when asked by the police or property managers. You might have to check out the old booklet 'Legally Establishing the Good News'.
Anyone remember Nancy Yuen?
angel eyes
police, caesar's law etc.... we arent argumentative so we walk away.
This is not anything new....this has always been their stance.
angel eyes
Thats right IA...thanks for pointing that out.
police, caesar's law etc.... we arent argumentative so we walk away.
Angeleyes. I was picked up in Montreal when the JWs was banned
I hope YOU get picked up sometime. It "aint'Fun.The elders Run they
aint around when you need them,you want to ask Arnolds Cutforth
wife also she sat in the Police Station for hours till they could find a Lawyer
Glen Howe to go get her. HOURS!!!!! HOURS!!!!! I hope you have the same
love for your Organization,,I think YOU need a bit of persecution -
Yes, a very stupid woman, who sacrificed so much, including her child's childhood.....for man. And that is her reward in full. Sad indeed.