by Mr. Majestic 115 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Mr. Majestic
    Mr. Majestic
    I don't care what his position is or how powerful he is. The killing of innocent babies, by an intelligent being is never justified, it is an abuse of position and power.


    I share your sentiments, but if it is true that science has found that there is such a thing as a ‘criminal gene’ and it is totally inevitable that a race of people would turn out wicked, without fail because of their bad genes, would it be wrong for a god to destroy such a race, knowing the harm and destruction they will cause the rest of humanity…???

  • snowbird
    Snowbird, it seems like you still have the basic JW mentality even if your theology is different.
    I'm just taking advantage of that freedom of speech that the Apostle Paul so greatly prized.
    I don't care what his position is or how powerful he is. The killing of innocent babies, by an intelligent being is never justified, it is an abuse of position and power.
    If that's true, then those who have elected abortions don't have a snowball's chance. PSac, I believe the Bible writers were doing their best within their limitations to understand and explain God. Sylvia
  • The Almighty Homer
    The Almighty Homer

    It was just another story told to create a believable illusion of how great their god was, other ancient cultures told stories of their gods too.

    It just that there were more written down by this particular ancient culture. God Jehovah is a great and mightiest god over all other gods and he supports his

    chosen people. This website tells more of the horrendous deeds of this special god of the ancient Israelites. Ironic isn't when people worship this murderous and vile of the ancient gods right to this day. Fear can provoke the most strangest beliefs !

  • cantleave

    Mr. Majestic,

    If there is such a gene, and god is all powerful then surely he could have terminated the progression of it by making it a recessive gene or made the bearers infertile. Surely that is far more humane and morally preferable to genocide.

  • angel eyes
    angel eyes

    im standing by your side snow bird :)

  • Finally-Free
    Finally-Free, He doesn't want or need anything from us.

    Was Jesus lying when he mentioned that the 2 greatest "commandments" included a command to love God?

    I suppose it makes sense that there is a "command" to love God, since he has failed to earn it through his conduct.


  • snowbird
    im standing by your side snow bird :)



  • villabolo


    "Jealousy is a negative emotion, an emotion warned against in scripture, why would God, an all knowing being get jealous? how could he?"

    Jehovah is portrayed as a jealous god because he has a big ego.

    Angel eyes: "Jehovah isnt answerable to us."

    Implicit in our judgment of Jehovah is the belief that he does not exist. He is being spoken of as if he did exist simply for the sake of argument, a what if? situation.

  • angel eyes
    angel eyes

    yes he does exist my friend and he is a loving God...its the god of this system your words are really aimed at.

  • sir82
    By ending their lives as children, God enabled them to have entrance into Heaven. We strongly believe that all children who die are accepted into Heaven by the grace and mercy of God


    So why doesn't God just kill all children? Wouldn't that be the merciful thing to do? That way, no one ever goes to hell.

    Hey wait a minute! If I go out and kill children, shouldn't I be nominated for sainthood? After all, by doing so I'm guaranteeing their salvation. If I let them live, they might well turn out to be a godless heathen atheistic wiccan, or a Democrat, and thus be doomed to eternal punishment.

    I don't see any flaws in my logic - does anyone else?

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