Explaining what DF'd means to a non-witness

by babygirl30 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • mentallyfree31

    When a JW can truly admit what disfellowshipping is, it can very enlightening. It can also be the start of a wake-up call for them. Here's how it truly goes:

    "My son/daughter left my church, so therefore I can't have anything to do with him anymore. I have to basically treat him like he is dead. Hopefully he will return to my church one day, and we can be reunited."

  • MsGrowingGirl20

    This is so true. Persons can't believe the policy. My sister said that it is shit!

  • Phizzy

    I have posted before about my therapist's reaction.

    We had already established it was a cult before I explained the shunning, once I had she said:

    " I would question their right to call themselves Christian, that really is the most awful kind of bullying".

  • vajeni82

    I've had many similar experiences. Since being DF'd 11 years ago, I've been able to finally get to know my extended non-JW family. They will always ask about my parents and sister and simply cannot believe the shunning! It's kind of sad that THEY are more upset about it than I am. I knew what would happen when I decided to quit. I wasn't calling anyone's bluff. A lot of people think we are just "having a fight" or "need to work it out". They simply can't fathom a parent rejecting a child like that. Growing up as a JW, all you know is conditional love. It's kind of sad to know that it didn't have to be that way.

  • jam

    The best public relations for JW,s. My JW family members

    have stop coming around non-JW family members because the subject

    comes up, when will you guys stop the nonsense. After 26years, my

    God, he is not coming back, get over it. And if he did come back

    we would (non-JW family members) shunn him for being so stupid, all

    the stuff you put him thru over the years.

  • blondie

    Shunned by all jw family and other jws...

    Treated as if you are dead....

    Not by personal choice but because these same people are told they will get the same treatment if they disobey an organization

  • OnTheWayOut

    Strength to you in your life and I hope it helps to confide in others. I know it helps me.

    I do not soften any explanations I offer about the JW's and their ways. I am not DF'ed, but have to explain to others why I don't vote and why my participation in many things (like birthdays and holidays) is low key.

  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    I worked with a JW for about 6 months till he went to Bethel Nice kid. I am open at work as the anti JW so I had to explain DF to everyone. I had to make sure he didn't find out I was an ex. It was kinda fun cuz EVERYONE was trying in there way to get him out. Didn't work

    Most of my work friends got MAD and didn't believe me how bad it was till I talked about my brother not talking to me for years!

    It sums up CULT

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