As a JW Were You or Someone you Knew Falsely Accused by Elders ?

by flipper 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • mrsjones5

    My cousin was accused of flirting and trying to destroy a MS's marriage but what was actually going on was the MS had the hots for my cousin and would do anything to be in her presence. He was like her shadow at the hall, totally obsessed. His wife and my cousin were good friends but he destroyed that by telling his wife that my cousin was the aggressor and leading him on. The wife loved the jerk so much that she believed the him and went on a witch hunt against my cousin. I witnessed alot of what went on and got pulled in and questioned by the elders. Even when it came out that it was all the MS the wife never believed it and discontinued her friendship with my cousin.

    I wonder if she's still married to the jerk.

  • Butterflyleia85

    Wow yes it's a way long story (I say story because it was before my time but scarred families and I never witnessed it). My ex boyfriends uncle! This story was told in detail by a Sister that studied with me after I shared some deep things with her. (I got both sides of the story, it's so hard to know which side is true)

    Around the 80's there was a group ('cult' the sister called it) that was close to where I live (the family is in fear to this day that this cult will kill them).

    *M* was an elder at one of the halls. He was a good brother in alot of peoples eyes. He had alot of trust and respect for families. One family was very close with the elder's family and had them over for dinner alot. Their kids would share alot of time with each other going to each other's homes. One night one of the little girl went over to the elder's house to spend the night with the elder's girl.


    She came home silent. The mother ask what was wrong, she never said.


    The girl grow up troubled, leaving the JW and family, she didn't come out until later to tell her mother through a letter. 'Mom I was rapped by this elder. He made me go to a 'planned parenthood' and get an abortion. He made me hide this. I was afraid he was going to kill me! ...They have secret names. They take little girls to the Halls and preform sexual acts on me.'

    What was this mother to think! (She is the sister that studied with me)


    The flip side of the story is through my ex boyfriend who lived with his Uncle. He tells me... 'that girl was crazy. He never did it!' Elder had his family's support even while sentenced 40 years in jail.

    A cult inside of a 'cult'??

    I don't know what to believe but I know this exElder is soon to write an autobiography called “The Mountainmover”.

    The whole thing scarred me from trusting Elders, but I keep thinking really... can an Elder have a wonderful family and then be in a cult that sick!?! But then for the mother and her child I think really... why would a child say these things if it wasn't true... attention!?!

    It's awful and I just am glad I'm out of it. I felt for a moment I was going to stur up fire again... recalling memories on both side of the family. Both sides of the family basicly said becareful who you trust these days.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    I don't think anyone can answer that question with "no". This organization is based on ratting others out. "keep the congregation clean with the zeal of Jehu!" Whatever. I've had the finger pointed so many times at me that I was surprised when it wasn't.

  • EmptyInside

    Well, a couple elders smelled cigarette smoke on a young sister insinuating she may be smoking. But, they should have known that her father was not a Witness and he smoked! Meanwhile, she was abused by a close relative of theirs when she was little.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Not to the point of a JC formed, but I was accused of that 'circumstantial fornication', or at least threatened with such an accusation.

    Too long to write out, as I have to scoot to work, but long story short: Sister is having marital problems. Elders refuse to comfort her or encourage her through. I am one of her best friends. She comes to me. My wife and I sit through days of crying, talk and hugs. [I believe you can hug someone without groping them or fornicating - I know that's worldly].

    Elders make accusation that I am 'setting myself up for fornication'. I ask them if my wife might notice me fornicating on our porch in broad daylight while she sits there?

    Conclusion: Elders were assholes with a woody I guess.

    Gotta go.



  • wantstoleave

    Wow you have all been through so much! I personally haven't been falsely accused of anything, nor known anyone who has.

  • angel eyes
    angel eyes

    I feel sick, really my stomach is in knot's reading this!!! Flipper, troubled mind etc...couldnt you have written to bethal and had it sorted? I only ask this because these elders need to have counselling, they cant, CANT go doing these things, even by mistake without correcting it and apologising!!!! It really angers me.... surely bethal would look into such things?? yes? no?

  • blondie

    Once, and easily proved I was not guilty. Some elder's wife was eager to blacken my reputation. The elders backed off and one apologized but no apology from the elder's wife who "saw" me. That actually was the end of my faith in the elders and their caring for the sheep. But I still stayed thinking these were some rogue elders. Those lies put a wedge between me and most of my family. Some years later and a new congregation this happened again (different topic) and was easily proved that I was not "guilty." The 2 elders stayed elders, 2 other elders "apologized" but another black mark on my reputation. That lead to my next period as inactive. I came back once more time and again it happened in another congregation. I finally learned that this was not a congregational problem but an organizational problem. So I left ten years ago but no more returning.

  • angel eyes
    angel eyes

    1john 4v11 says obligation to love one another!!! wheres the love if an elder listens to his wife? The scriptures say two or more so angered....

  • coffee_black

    im so angered....

    You should be angeleyes. You are beginning to understand that the wt is not what it claims to be. There are countless stories just like the one above that angered you. I could write volumes. Most of us here could. Keep reading. Keep learning.


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