He deserves the Nobel Peace prize for just getting elected. The world owes the US for avoiding WWIII
Hope this prize is not a somber omen, peace loving Woodrow WILSON had to engage the US in WW1.
by WuzLovesDubs 68 Replies latest jw friends
He deserves the Nobel Peace prize for just getting elected. The world owes the US for avoiding WWIII
Hope this prize is not a somber omen, peace loving Woodrow WILSON had to engage the US in WW1.
Most people forget that Obama is half white. Considering the way African nations can't live in peace, maybe his white side got the award.
Ken P.
The reason for the award:
"For his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between people”
WHAT? efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between people? THIS is pack and parcel of any international sound politics. So were was the extraordinary effort?
DId I miss anything? How different is the world we live in since he took office? Which policies have effectively been reversed in order to EXTRAORDINARILY enhance diplomacy and cooperation?
Now let's see:
By February the NPP committee has a list of collected nominees. Now they start the short listing which will be finalized by August. In October the winner is announced.
SO .... who made the committee aware of the EXTRAORDINARY efforts of Obama to to earn him a nomination when he was just 1 month in office.
What then did he do in 1 month time that would eran him a nomination?
January 26: President Barack Obama's administration will engage in "direct diplomacy" with Iran, the newly installed U.S. ambassador to the United Nations said Monday.
Gents: this truly is EXTRAORDINARY. No one wants to sit at the table direclty with Ahmadinejad .... very very extraordinary.
One of the big questions of the Obama presidency is can he actually use his popularity to go over rulers’ heads and straight to their people. Obama ’s interview with Al Arbiya, a 24 hour Middle Eastern news channel, was an attempt to do just that.
Sure EXTRAORDINARY because no arab leader listens that good to his people. They are concerned with their own authocratic business dealings OR with the maintenance of a certain type of religious and/ or political establlishment.
The appointment of George Mitchell as a presidential special envoy was a good first step.
Yes, well .... quite extraordinary, indeed.
President Obama has said he will deliver a major speech in a Muslim country sometime during his first 100 days and that he plans to reach out to Muslims.
Again, words..... extraordinary, indeed.
February 23, 2009 WASHINGTON — The Obama administration intends to provide some $900 million to help rebuild Gaza after the Israeli incursion that ended last month, administration officials said Monday.
The articles says that the money is supposed to go through UN channels. ....
Yeah ... EXTRAORDINARY, indeed.
So... what is the real deal to be nominated a peace prize? And what happened to that much requested order for the hospital ship to go to Gaza as a sign of the outreach?
I'm sure I only sratched the surface with all those extraordinary efforts ....
Most people forget that Obama is half white. Considering the way African nations can't live in peace, maybe his white side got the award.
Don't let Sylvia hear you say that. Let's just let him serve out Jimmy Carter's second term, then get back to the serious business of being America.
He's in good company: Jimmy Carter who destroyed our Country's Military and blamed US citizens for the highest inflation this Country has ever seen, Al Gore who took political contributions from Chinese nationals and violated Federal Law in doing so and who has become rich from white-collar eco-terrorism, and Yassir Arafat, the most peace-loving terrorist who ever existed.
At least those three guys actually accomplished evil things. Obama hasn't even done much of that.
Clearly, they gave this to Obama for what he represents as a symbol, not for anything he has accomplished. (I do think being an African American who was elected as President was amazing and will go a long way to heal some wounds that are well over 150 year old in this country.)
Politically, I don't think Obama would want this. He knows.
However, I think it a unique glimpse into how Obama is viewed in the world. Outside of the GOP, most everyone loves Obama. I am not saying that makes him a great president, but popularity does matter and is a useful political tool to have.
What did that humanoid do to deserve the peace prize? Something like dumping nearly a trillion dollars of debt on us in one shot, mandatory health insurance with high fines, attempting mandatory swine scam flu shots, and selling our economy off to foreigners while setting up so many regulations that we cannot hope to gain back those lost jobs? Something tells me that Osama Obama is going to have those who are working for a living give all their money to the government, so those who choose not to work can have more giveaways.
Oh yes, and getting the Fed to buy up the stock market (the Dow should, at fair value, be at zero) and hiding this activity.
I think it would have meant more if the committee had waited until he had one major accopmlishment under his belt, and I think he will get more than one... several things seem to be turning his way lately which is good. But, as has been noted in this thread, the committee has jumped the gun on the prize before... it's not the first time.
That's not how Nobel prizes are awarded. Please read my post on page 1 of this thread.
:Politically, I don't think Obama would want this. He knows.
This may backfire on him. Now that he's won a prize he didn't earn, people may feel he's required to earn it.
He's handing out appeasements to countries (including terrorist ones) around the world just like he's handing out cash (that the government won't even be able to steal from the American public for DECADES) to bankrupt companies who have no one to blame but themselves for their predicament.
If you "make nice" to terrorists, they'll still be terrorists. The only difference is, they'll now shoot you in the back because you no longer have a gun pointed at them. And if you give them money to "help" them, they'll just buy more terrorist equipment with it.