Learning the "Truth" Is not true is like...................

by foolsparadise 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • shamus100

    Nagging doubts... slowly coming to an ultimate conclusion. Guilt - gone, but it was like dragging myself over carpet tacks for about a year.

  • Gopher

    It was like an uncomfortable gassy feeling had been building up inside of me, and then it was like the great relief when it is suddenly expelled with a tooteloot.

  • Casper

    Being let out of prison....


  • tooktheredpill

    I felt like a huge hole in my heart. Like when you've lost a family member to death. I "mourned" for some months.

    Foolsparadise commented something very interesting to me:

    "After 33 years of being mind controlled"...

    I've noticed that there is a lot of people of my generation that became aware of the WT lies at this age. I was 33 too when I discovered the lies! I know at least 10 people of my age group that are out or at least "awake".

    How old were you when you discovered the truth about "The Truth"?

  • wanderlustguy

    learning you have about 35 years left to live, and are very likely to spend the last 10 insane.

  • Satanus


  • yknot

    A deep piercing pain followed by calm serenity......

    Then of course the sad sense of loss

    For some anger

    Then the realization you don't know squat

    Feelings of 'what now', 'where now' and tons of other questions

    Finally you settle into a bit of humble smugness since you know something others sitting next you don't

    Sheer horror at the message you hear without the WTS mentality


    Desire to save others

    Frustrations over that endeavor pretty much being fruitless in your new zeal

    Back to 'now what, when and where'

    Fade and go one.......or fade and fail and go one but under the radar.

    Feelings come and go and so you find yourself comforted by the likes of JWN because they know what you mean, feel and have been.....they are your people bonded and yet total autonomous....... calm serenity returns.

  • life is to short
    life is to short

    horrible and sicking and depressing especially if your mate is still in.

  • wantstoleave

    In my late 20's I came to the realisation I had some doubts. But not til now, almost 30 did I seriously start asking questions.

  • GermanXJW

    It is like learning that your parents are just your foster parents who feed you because they get money for it.

    But it is also a diagnosis that you are not the crazy one but everyone in your household.

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