I had a dream last night that I died...

by cognac 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • cognac

    I was trying to catch a football and somehow landed on my car and crashed in the front window. There was a little boy in the back seat that was about 8 years old. I could see myself. I was still myself. I was now a ghost. People who believed me could see and touch me. So, I went to my sister and told her I had died and there was life after death because here I was.

    So, we both went home to tell my parents. We drove up a hill to get there and the car couldn't make it all the way up because it was snowing. So, we got out to walk the rest of the way. We both lost our shoe and sock on the right foot and just the shoe on the left foot. We made it home and my parents both saw me. I told them I had died. My mother touched my arm and could actually feel me. My father said he wouldn't come near me and wouldn't talk to me. I told them to go look at the car crash to prove I was dead but they couldn't because of the snow.

    I said I was tired so I went to bed. The next day my mom went to the car crash and saw that I was dead but she couldn't understand how she could see me. My dad was mad at me. I knew he could understand that I was dead but I couldn't understand why he wouldn't talk to me. He was so mad he couldn't even mourn my death and stayed away from me.

    Really weird, huh? What do you think it means?

  • minimus

    You're thinking of what disfellowshipping will feel like.

  • bluecanary

    The interactions with your parents are self-explanatory. You want to open their eyes, they are unwilling to see; just like waking life. You see your sister as a potential ally in this endeavor. The car and the shoes are the equipment you use to reach your parents. You are trying to reach them but feel like the methods you use aren't working very well. The snow is beyond your control. You feel like outside sources (WTS control and indoctrination) are preventing them from seeing the truth. You can't impede this influence any more than you can stop it snowing. Your death (and subsequent afterlife) are your death to and waking from the org.

  • cognac

    Wow, blue... You study this stuff?

  • cognac

    What do think the little boy is doing there?

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    No more booze and spicy food before bed!!

  • no more kool aid
    no more kool aid

    Cognac, I looked this up on a dream site, which I frequently do with my own dreams. The little boy may picture a longing for the past or a childhood desire that has been unfulfilled. Your own death, interestingly enough, may picture a spiritual awakening or advancement. Snow sometimes means thoughts that you wish you could express, literally frozen or frigidity. I don't know how to embed a site, but I used the first site that came up when I googled dreams. It's kind of fun isn't it? NMKA

  • cognac

    no more kool aid - thanks! interesting about the boy thing. It was so weird in the dream, he seemed so non chalant (sp?)... I googled what you told me to and came up with www.dreammoods.com. Is that the correct site? I'm gonna look at it now. Thanks!

  • bluecanary

    In addition to what NMKA said about the boy, a child can symbolize your own vulnerability or innosence. I've read a few dream dictionaries. I've never believed that dreams are portentious, but I do think that sometimes they are a way to get in touch with feelings we may not otherwise understand or realize we have.

  • cognac

    Thanks bc. I just figured he was a son I want to have but just a bit older.

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