I had a dream last night that I died...

by cognac 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • BluesBrother
    They say if you die in your dreams you really die in your bed

    Bruce Springsteen - Valentines Day.

    Well, that is one song lyric that is obviously not true.. I am glad you are still with us Cognac...I hope you sleep better tonight.

    I cannot say that I have much faith in the "meanings of dreams" . Who knows what the sleeping mind is really doing?

    Sleep tight...

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    That's wierd, I had a dream I was a little boy in the back seat of a car and an ex-Jehovah's Witness crashed into it and was killed. I found two pair of shoes in the snow and socks that didn't match. W.Once

  • cognac

    lol, ok Was...

  • shamus100

    I dreamt that I was a cat looking in the mirror, and I was actually a Lion. Then I was a caged monkey, then turned into Bert from Sesame Street and thrown in Prison.

    Glad to see you're alive, cognyak!

  • Gopher

    Since we've seemed to reach a resolution to your dream, Cognac, I thought I'd share an experience.

    Once I dreamed that I was a wigwam, then I dreamed I was a teepee. These dreams kept alternating, so I went to a psychiatrist.

    She said the explanation was easy. I was too tense.

  • cognac

    Shampoo!!! I think a caged money suits you best!!!

    Lol, Gopher! Haven't seen you in awhile! How the hell are ya? Heard you got a gf???

  • shamus100

    Oh Conyeck,

    I don't think sooooo....... I'm afraid of Lions.

  • Robdar

    I wouldn't read too much into the dream. I've had a similar dream and other than the oooogie factor, it meant nothing.

  • cognac

    Yes, Shrimp, but its better then being in prison! If you are in prison the BORG will take pics of you and then put you in mags... Then, what will you do???

  • Chalam

    Hi Cognac,

    Did you get my PM?

    All the best,


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