Pornography is not a problem for most people

by gubberningbody 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • gubberningbody

    The truth is that exposure to pornography leads to disinterest in the varied forms and representations of the human body. Only the learning disabled can maintain a fascination with something as basic as "protuberance 'A' fits into "slot B (or C or D)" [x rinse repeat].

    The two page letter we had to deal with from the society was a piece of shit.

    I had a mind to create a theocratic pornography calculator online such that one could enter such variables represented in this letter such as A. Type of Porn, B. Times of exposure, C. Duration of exposure, E. Masturbation? (Y/N) and after entering the data it would yield a verdict - Uncleanness or Aselgia (Loose Conduct)=Judicial.

    What a hassle. This letter and the consequences which flowed from it led to the deaths of two young men who killed themselves.

    If there is a God, he'll deal with those assholes in Brooklyn.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Only the learning disabled can maintain a fascination with something as basic as...

    Great, so now I'm "learning disabled"? I think I know what you mean GB, but I hope that I continue to be fascinated with sex once or twice a day for my entire life. Not the focus of my life, and not taking up hours every day... except for vacations, maybe. Like eating, I hope to enjoy pleasant meals every day, but not to obsession with food, or with eating in unusual and dangerous positions that would throw my back out and injure my dining companions.

    ...okay, I'll just stop now...

  • shamus100

    No... but closet cases are.

  • Finally-Free
    Only the learning disabled can maintain a fascination with something as basic as "protuberance 'A' fits into "slot B (or C or D)" [x rinse repeat].

    Does this mean that someone who is content to be in a lifelong, faithful marriage to the same person is also "learning disabled"?

    Of course, the same principle can apply to all basic human needs. Hell, I've been eating for over 50 years! Why do I still enjoy it? It should have become a pain in the ass a long time ago. I even enjoy gastronomical pronography. When I look for recipes online I'm immediately drawn to those with pictures.


  • beksbks


  • White Dove
    White Dove

    I watched it sometimes but it just didn't do anything for me. My daughter saw it too and described it as so fake that you can tell it's scripted. She said it looked like a piston going back and forth. It's just not affectionate, loving or passionate at all. It's nothing. How anyone can actually get hooked on it is beyond me.

  • bluecanary

    Pornography is an excellent diversion for people who understand that it is a form of entertainment, not a primer or a documentary. It is unfortunate in the hands of one who has no other experience with sex and therefore assumes that the material in question constitutes an accurate portrayal of the subject in its natural form.

  • beksbks

    Personally, I think it's detrimental to real relationships. Every man I've ever known who was into it, had lousy relationships with women.

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    That's absolutely right, Blue. Nothing of porn is natural. It's just all fake and plastic.

  • John Doe
    John Doe
    It is unfortunate in the hands of one who has no other experience with sex and therefore assumes that the material in question constitutes an accurate portrayal of the subject in its natural form.

    Yeah, we all know you ain't a porn star.

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