i guess it could be consisdered more of a "hands-on" type of problem.........oompa
Pornography is not a problem for most people
by gubberningbody 16 Replies latest jw friends
Welcome back Oompa! *grope, grab, grip*
i was afraid of touching the lower parts of a woman and was also afraid of putting my mouth there.
pornography showed me the pleasure I was missing. some people need a little instruction
Porn, like gambling, does have its place. Like gambling, if a person is able to watch a few minutes of porn now and then, I see no harm in it. However, if you spend most of your time watching porn, you have a major problem (similar to gambling).
I believe that most people are able to indulge in porn sensibly. It is relatively few that do it to excess--and most of that is because religion has so cut them off from sexual fulfillment that porn fills in the gaps (and becomes an addiction). Without religion dirtifying sex, porn would have little appeal and would not be so appealing.
Every man I've ever known who was into it, had lousy relationships with women.
My boyfriend likes porn. I like porn. We like two different types of porn, so we don't really get into it together but we have shared some of what we like with each other. Knowing what turns him on brings me closer to him, while having the freedom to entertain fantasies of my own brings me closer to orgasm. Some couples watch it together.
Porn itself is never a problem. It's the individual's attitude toward it. Some men are more interested in watching porn than having sex with their chosen partner. That's a problem. Some women believe that all porn is evil and harangue their chosen partner for watching it at all. That's a problem. My ex watched a lot of porn and got the wrong idea about what sex would be like. Once we married and actually tried it, it turned out he didn't care for sex. That was a problem.
That's absolutely right, Blue. Nothing of porn is natural. It's just all fake and plastic.
There are many different kinds of porn, not all of it visual. I've heard that amateur porn is the best because you're more likely to see real people who are actually enjoying themselves. But then, watching people have sex is not the type of porn I'm into. And sometimes the fakeness is intentional, like with animated porn or certain fetishes.
Yeah, we all know you ain't a porn star.
Not yet, Doe. Not yet.
blue I agree and 2nd your insight.
if watch too much, its no good, like an addiction
if you replace your mate with porn it ain't good, unless your mate doesn't want sex anymore.... so then? you gotta relieve stress somehow and your mate has become fridgid
AK - Jeff
As with any other activity, it can lead to various consequences I suppose.
One who eats well balanced meals, regularly, and combines it with other wholesome daily activities, like exercise, do themselves a favor. Those who elect to eat constantly, those addicted to food that never satisfies, ruin their health and well being.
Porn, viewed as stimulus to healthy sexual activity is probably no bane to society. Those who, like food-aholics, lock themselves behind closed doors and partake of hours of unhealthy acting of this sort, find themselves addicted to choices that may damage their relationships. Some may use it to fuel unhealthy attitudes toward the opposite sex for instance. Others go way past that and become perverted perhaps.
Gambling, eating, even exercise, needs to be in healthy balance. Not all can balance it in a healthy way I fear.