PMd you....
Do Jehovahs Witnesses shoot their own wounded?
by paul from cleveland 28 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
The lack of education and professional training in counseling and pastoring has really hurt the religion. Because of this Elders in particular don't recognize the signs of medical and mental conditions in someone they are suppose to be helping. A lot of damage is done under this type of ignorance. Knorr's mandate to 'keep the congregations clean' back in the 60's set in motion witch hunts and expulsions when what people really needed was compassion, help, and a sense that their religion stood behind them during rough times.
(((( Paul )))), I am sorry to hear you were mistreated by the JWs. This is not uncommon. I hope you have been able to find help for your problems.
I think what you were expecting from the JWs was a loving Christian group. What you got was a group of legalistic, self-righteous Jehovans. Perhaps you need to rethink your choices.
I'm sorry they treated you like crap when you needed understanding and help. I can totally relate.
They treated me worse than $h!t when I had postpartum depression.
Actually it started during the pregnancy, when my doctor put me on bedrest for threatened miscarriage. They expected me to ignore my doctor's instructions and carry on as usual, saying that Jehovah would protect the pregnancy if I continued to attend Meetings™ and Go In Service™. When I listened to my doctor's instructions instead of their untrained bull$h!t, they treated me like I was non-existent, like I'd been DFd.
At the worst of the depression, I was having panic attacks when I was faced with going Door-to-Door™. I wrote a confidential letter to the Congregation Secretary™ and explained my illness and what it was doing, and asked if he would consider arranging with some of the Pioneer™ Sisters™ for me to accompany them on their Bible Studies™ so I could still put in some Field Service™ time while I was getting better. At the next Meeting™, a rumour surfaced to the effect that Sister™ Scully didn't want to Go In Service™ anymore (Apostate™ alert!), and one of the Pioneer™ Sisters™ came up to me and told me "Get your own damn Bible Study™."
The Memorial™ was even worse. I had the baby with me at the back of the hall because she was fussy. The Attendants™ refused to pass the Emblems™ to me. The DFd people there were having the Emblems™ passed to them, but it was perfectly obvious that I was being purposely excluded. The next day I was in the hospital having a suicidal breakdown; I wanted to save Jehovah the trouble of having to destroy me at Armageddon™.
All of that hostility put me off attending Meetings™ and participating in Field Service™ permanently. About a year later, my then best friend (in an attempt to Encourage™ me to go back to Meetings™) told me: "If you're going to turn your back on The Truth™ you may as well take your three beautiful children out in the back yard and blow their heads off with a gun. That way they won't go down with you at Armageddon™ and they'll have a Resurrection™ in the Paradise™." That was the final blow for me. I decided then and there that I was NEVER going back.
Ten years later, I found a couple of Awake! articles (here and here) on the official WTS website on the topic of postpartum depression, admonishing people to treat a woman suffering with PPD with love, kindness and consideration - completely opposite to how they treated me. It made me furious that it took 10 effing years to finally get some validation, but it didn't change how I was treated when I needed support and kindness instead of stigmatization and hazing.
Very sad story Paul...I once recall at an elders school somebody asked about how much we should take mental condition into account when handling a J C? The instructor said that if a person was able to live by themself and cope with life, as distinct from a mentally retarded person who could not function, we should treat all people the same ...
There was a brother in my old congo who was schizophrenic (sp?). Sometimes he would go off the rails if his meds had been messed with . He was tolerated and helped back (like being marched down to his doctor) and his indiscretions at that time were not held against him. But he had a good record of many years loyal service when things were ok, and everyone new and liked him..Sadly that makes a big difference.
One time as an elder there was a sister who was committed to a mental hospital after she attempted suicide. At the recommendation of her doctor she wrote a letter to the elders explaining her turmoil. Two elders met with her at the hospital and disfellowshipped her. The letter was all the evidence they needed.
I don't think that her doctor expected this response.
Paul, please resolve to take the medications that your doctors give you faithfully. Do not make the mistake of thinking you do not need them at any time in the future.
Realize that if you do not, you make it very difficult for others around you. I had a friend who's husband was bi-polar. She never knew what to expect. He went through their children's rooms, throwing away clothes and toys, saying that he was "cleaning up." One day she came home and he had gotten rid of their pets. He would stay up all night, ranting, and no one could sleep. He could not work, and she was exhausted trying to work and also cope with him. She could not trust him to care for the children. She finally had to divorce him, as all of his actions were so devastating for the children.
Your "episodes" could land you in great danger from the police, or accidents.
I am sorry the elders treated you in this manner when it is clear that you needed help. Please continue to get the help you need.
"By their fruits you will know them." -- Jesus H. Christ
yadda yadda 2
Thanks for sharing this personal experience and I hope life is much better for you now.
Your experience proves that JW's are not fulfilling John 13:35. The test of Christian love is demonstrated by the example of the good samaritan, as you note. JW's fail at this, even towards their own. They not only fail to go out of their way to help outsiders but they would rather kick out one of their own give them the benefit of the doubt, help them and show long-suffering, tolerance, compassion and mercy. The JW pattern is not the pattern Jesus laid down.