As the GB/WT are always warning the Dubs not to read Apostate literature, and as the Bible Canon was decided by the church as late as the 4th Century, by which time according to the WT they were absolutely Apostate, should not JW's avoid the Bible as we know it ?
I know that they, the WTB$, have produced their own strange version, and that they ignore much of what is actually in even that,but how can they trust it when it comes from an "Apostate " source according to them ?
If they reply that they trust that " God had it preserved it as it should be " (apart from them having to put the name jehovah in many times without warrant, He couldn't manage to preserve that, what they claim is his name, as it "should be ") they are then saying that the 3rd/4th century Church that had produced the Trinity Doctrine in a very full form by then was ,at that time, INSPIRED by God.
If they disagree with that last statement ,where does it leave them in relation to the Bible ?
p.s I know we have had similar threads before, but I think it is fun to revive the idea for presentation to Dubs.