Do you think Jw are animal lovers?
by angel eyes 27 Replies latest jw friends
angel eyes
i ask this because when my hubby and i were getting our 2nd dog we had bro and sis's say we shouldnt have too many, wont have time for this, that etc...then we eventaully got 2more(making4) we do doggy dancing with them etc and they go crufts...but so many had to give opinions and say "NO" you shouldnt have anymore animals...yet we know a couple who have 5 kids!! bet they didnt say to that head of family NO more kids...
Not so sure there are more or less animal lovers among JWs than any other group.
Loving animals varies from person to person.
I think you need to start politely referring these busybodies to 1 Thes 4:10-12
But we exhort YOU , brothers, to go on doing it in fuller measure, 11 and to make it YOUR aim to live quietly and to mind YOUR own business and work with YOUR hands, just as we ordered YOU ; 12 so that YOU may be walking decently as regards people outside and not be needing anything.
Most of my JW friends are animal lovers.
They love hunting them - they love them in steaks , jerky, etc.............
angel eyes
well said ynot :) Maybe we should get another 4 lol...only kidding...
LOL Lepermessiah....
Hubby just finished building a new smokehouse.......!
keyser soze
The majority of elders in my area are big-time hunters. So much that they've been counselled by the CO. Not for the killing of animals, but rather for the time that hunting takes away from their service to Jehovah. A lot of elders are noticably absent the opening weekend of deer season.
i ask this because when my hubby and i were getting our 2nd dog we had bro and sis's say we shouldnt have too many, wont have time for this, that etc..
Yes, I can imagine that....let's face it.....they feel free to comment on everything you do....and you can exhaust yourself trying to please them all.
angel eyes
We didnt listen...lalala cant hear lol.... We made the choice and it was OUR choice not up to them, so rude i think. We always seem to have ones who think they can overall my hubby's position within the family, yet they wouldnt try it with other's (angel eyes flex's her muscles!! lol)