I have close to 200 animals because I love them so much. When I was a witness I was told by several witnesses that I shouldn't have all the animals (detracts time from them and studying) and they talked behind my husbands and my back as being 'materialistic' for having so many animals. We take good care of our animals and we have seen witnesses who have 2 pets who cant take care of them. Not Once was a talk given about taken proper care of your animals. I always thought when the bible says a persons desires will be satisfied in the 'new world' then it could mean my animals that died God would bring back to life for me. Never say that to a witness. They will tell you animals don't get a resurrection because they can't think and don't serve God. The witnesses didn't even like to come to our house to see the different animals we have. They didn't care!! When I would get a new exotic animal, I couldn't even tell the people whom I thought were my friends because they would frown upon it. I am proud of owning a pet skunk! And a pig! And sheep! And peacocks! And swans!....and all my other animals. and no, I do not eat animals. I am a vegetarian!
Do you think Jw are animal lovers?
by angel eyes 27 Replies latest jw friends
I know many JW animal lovers..
Some have farms..
The WBT$ has written articles discouraging pets..
Having children..
If the WBT$ had it`s way..
The world would be a very,very cold place..
Nathan Natas
If by "love" you mean "enjoy eating," then yes, JWs "love" animals.
I think their level of concern can accurately be determined from the amount of effort JWs put into animal welfare.
Yeah: none.
I always enjoyed asking these a-holes with snide comments and opinions to "Show me the scripture".
Shuts them up, and fast.
Well, I love animals. I have a dog and four cats and they're like my kids since I don't have children. I noticed that some really love animals and some are pretty apathetic one way or another. But, everyone knows how I feel about animals. They know I'm a vegetarian and that I volunteer at an animal shelter. And noone has said anything to me one way or another about it. And I really wouldn't care, since I have to draw the line as to how much my life is going to be controlled by another person's opinion.
Having lots of dogs can have their benefit during and after the Great Tribulation.
When things get tough, you can always kill and roast one, plus those who survive can do their part in eating up all the dead children on the ground.
Don't shoot the messenger. I'm only repeating what I was told by one of the annointed or chosen ones.
We always had at least two dogs and we always hosted the CO with quarters for the week.
The CO's wives adopted our pets and brought them treats. Usually having our Lab sit by her side while she watched TV.
The CO's usually argued with me good-naturedly that JW's shouldn't have pets. It was my house, so I always won the arguments.
Silly joke for the day: How can you tell JW kittens from ExJW kittens?
JW kittens still have their eyes closed, while ExJW kittens have them wide open and are visiting JWN.
when i was little we had an older american jw couple visit our hall, they must have been quite important(?)visiting something or others because they came with a ..........slideshow (wooohooo welcome reprieve from the usual wash rinse repeat cycle!). even if it was of someone elses travel , kingdom hall, brooklyn, wherever... sigh.
the lady was quite a bubbly cuddly figure with a bit of a long drawl to her accent, and i was a little more than surprised, when she talked about her poodle that she was missing while she was travelling.
apparently her poodle lurrrrrrrrrrved nothing better than going to the beauty parlour for its pampering of being dyed unatural colours primped and having its nails painted.
it didnt quite match the picture i'd has painted of animals having and knowing their place.
or the lectures i'd had as a teen on au naturel when i wanted to start shaving my pits n legs, or dying my hair. but hey if it was good enough for a poodle!