Yes, bluegrass. It's a good thing you're here to balance out the intellectual spectrum.
If Adam hadn't sinned, where would he be right now?
by paul from cleveland 46 Replies latest watchtower bible
Adam & Eve story = metaphor. That is all. It was the Christians who turned it into a real story and invented original sin. Then they provided Jesus to cure the problem of inherited sin.
Judge Dread
In a paradise earth of course.
Even though we wouldn't be there, one of the benefits would be the haters that responded to your question wouldn't be there either.
Judge Dread
White Dove
Some of us believe that the Bible has all the answers and is an accurate account of history, and some don't. Those of us who don't buy into those impossible and unscientific stories find that they are asking to be made fun of. Come on! A teenager gets pregnant but denies having sex, and everyone's okay with it and ends up worshipping her illegitimate child. Was she married to God? Was she? No. He put his seed into her anyway thereby breaking one of his most sacred rules as per the WT: Don't get artificially insemenated. It's fornication if you do! God committed fornication with Mary. Here is the double standard: It's okay that HE did it because HE is God. Good example there, God!
Where would Adam be? Wrong question.
Where would we be?
If a perfect man doesn't fall, do all his potential descendents still exist?
Would we be prejudiced against Cain's offspring, and all claim to be descended from Abel?
I guess if he were still around we could at last ask about the incestuous relationships of his children. And Arkansas would be like the Golden State because, well, they already have brothers and sisters married to each other (hey, I have relatives in AR, too!).
What about the descendents of everyone killed in the flood? I guess we'd be dealing with massive over-population.
Adam himself would either have died in an accident by now, or be the biggest District Overseer that ever was. As soon as he was done naming all the recently discovered insect species (or recently evolved animals, take your pick).
We'd be cautioned to not allow a "cult of personality" to develop around Adam and warned against Adam Worship.
On the other hand, since Adam can't be of the Annointed, maybe he'd just be another guy with a pet lion. Can you imagine the GB rejecting his counsel?
He would be chasing Eve around the hot springs in the middle of the garden and niblin on sponge cake.
If he had carefully invested his acorns he would be well off today. Eve would need a team of Clydesdales to haul her alimony. Child support payments would be stupendous and his kids weekly allowance would be stipendendous. He would be doing a world stand up tour and the Stones would be his opening act. "Good evening, kids!...well, it's been a hell of a week...I had my 6347th birthday party and I want to tell you that is a shitload of candles to blow out!..."... "...Jehovah says Hi to all the grandkids"..."Satan is still in lock up and sent me a note last week apologizing for the umpteenth time about the 'misunderstanding' . I told him to blow it out his ass!"...
Adam would be naked..Unable to move..
Every square foot of planet earth..
Is filled with another naked person,unable to move..
Welcome Judge Dread......
The Almighty Homer
Adam couldn't have sinned logically since prior to him and Eve eating off the tree of knowledge they were not aware
of what was good and what was evil.
Personally I think God gave them a bum deal and we're still paying for that to this day.
If god really love his creation of mankind why didn't he just whack that snake when I saw Satan trying to tempt Eve ?