Did I read that right? What would have happened if Snow White hadn't bitten the Apple?
If Adam hadn't sinned, where would he be right now?
by paul from cleveland 46 Replies latest watchtower bible
darth frosty
Trying to get some 6,000 yr old punanni that has spit out over 5,000 babies...There is something for you to think about.
To me,
Adam and Eve are the names given to the first "people" to find "god".
The were the first humans to come to "self realization" and to ask, "is this all there is?", "what else is there?" or even "Hello, God? are you there? it's me, Adam".
IF the story of their "fall" is to be taken literal, then I see it as,
" And God was happy that Man found him and he rewarded Man, but knowing what was in Man's heart he warned them, "careful what you wish for, you just might get it".
Don't know, but you should probably build an altar to him (Adam) and offer fatted calves in sacrifice.
After all, if Adam & Eve hadn't sinned, the unique combination of ancestors that led up to your existence would never have occurred.
I.e., if you're going to go the "Genesis is literally true in all its details" route, you should be supremely grateful for Adam's sin, because without it, you wouldn't be here to ponder the question.
Does anyone really believe that question was posed as a matter of 'serious discussion' here? Anyone who has observed this board knows that most here don't think the parable of Adam and Eve to be literal. But if he really does, then a question framed along a more specific nature might have avoided the responses we saw.
Why would you want to avoid any of the above responses? The question poised was whimsical but amusing. Anyone who took it seriously enough to truly ponder a reply is no more undesired than one who responded with a frivolous musing on the conversational opening.
(gee, I'm starting to sound like CoCo)
AK - Jeff
IF you could answer all the silly questions here postulated in response to your serious one, you would likely find that serious answer you seek.
Of them, the most provoking to me are: Why did God do any of this? Why would anyone want to worship a God that has let it all get so far out of hand? Why the earth? Why did God make both spiritual angels and earthy man? Why all the drama to fix an illicit apple eating session with a snake?
I too am serious. If any human manager messed up such a perfect situation and took thousands of years to fix it, he would be fired and replaced, say 6000 years ago! Why is this so hard for God to just fix? Why did my ancestors have to die to prove Satan a liar? Wasn't he proven that 12 seconds after he 'lied'?
This is the sort of thing that has turned me against the idea that the Bible has any credibility at all! People willingly believe this fairy tale, and then wonder why others don't.
TJ - iAmCleared2Land
After all, if Adam & Eve hadn't sinned, the unique combination of ancestors that led up to your existence would never have occurred.
i.e., if you're going to go the "Genesis is literally true in all its details" route, you should be supremely grateful for Adam's sin, because without it, you wouldn't be here to ponder the question.Just to show how far you could take these arguments: wouldn't a God of justice bring "to life" in the New Systemâ„¢ all of the perfect offspring they would have had, but didn't have? Seems a little unfair that those perfect-innocent-children-that-never-were would miss out on ever existing.
A fair enough viewpoint.
Sometimes we need to remember that the Bible is NOT the word of God ( that role belongs to Jesus is you choose to believe that) but the writings of "inspired" men, men trying to make sense of a world they didn't fully grasp and, sometimes, of men that wanted to control other men.
As we can see today, many horrid things are done in the name of God, why should 4000 years ago be any different?
We must view things with a critical eye.
The real question should be. If Adam and Eve were created to live forever if they hadn't sinned then, why was their a tree of life in the garden?????
Hello, I was kindly referred here from my other Thread " Christianity is based upon a lie " I pointed out there the following - The fact that Adam & Eve needed to partake of the Tree of Life to become Immortal, proves they were not the cause of death - mortality. They were created ' mortal ' i.e. the biblical God created them subject to mortality and death even before they are said to have sinned. Hence the alleged roles of the biblical Serpent and Jesus in particular is a furphy. (False)