I'm definitely gonna be there. X
Apostanoodle London Wed 4th November 2009
by sweet pea 70 Replies latest jw friends
Hope you chaps all have a nice time - I'd love to be there with you.
Its a good job I know what South African Beef and Bubble look like ( i.e scary) otherwise how would I recognize fellow 'postates ?
I mean you can pick out a JW from MILES away, but you guys at Covent Garden are going to look so normal !
Should I wear a big badge with WOBBLE on it, like at D Assys, or will you guys recognize the fat drunk bloke staggering towards you ?
south african beef
Wobble - what makes you think Bubble and I are scary???
Have we met?
Hi Guys and Gals, I hope you enjoy yourselves, I can't make it since I'm working but I will be thinking of you all enjoying yourselves .
I know what SAB and Bubble look like and they are not scary at all, unless they come in Halloween costume. Now as for Mr Majestic.....
I was only joking about SAB and Bubble looking scary, SAB looks harmless and Bubble looks gorgeous in real life !
see you all tonight !
Hey Sweetpea, im afraid i wont be able to make it afterall, i've got some work being done at my flat till late and have to be here.
I hope you all have a great time and i cant wait to see the pics.
So sorry I will not be able to be with you in person, I will be with you in thought though.
As a Londoner I can think of you enjoying yourselves, any chance of a report and some pictures?
Have a great time,
Have a good time. Don't forget to take pictures and share them with us.