please please pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee pretty pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeee
How Do We Help JWs Who Come To This Site?
by minimus 50 Replies latest jw friends
For Angel Eyes..
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angel eyes
love it!!!!!!!! got it as my text alert now..thankyou
Thought you`d Like it..LOL!!
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Judge Dread
Seeing the way some of you gang up on them, and ridicule them under the guise of "helping" them, I really don't know why they even come here.
Judge Dread
I think
1- If they are here is a very good thing. Regardless of their reason. Remember that being here is forebidden by the WT so by being here they are using their free will, even if it is to try to "help us" correct our ways. They are coming here and they should be welcomed like everyone else. Being here helps them talk to people they wouldnt talk in person otherwise. They would never sit down with 3 of us for a converstation of any kind. So actually its fantastic to have them here.
2- They are still under different levels of mind control. There is NO reasoning with them. They cant reason if they are under mind control. So why fight with them? I think we must make them think by asking them questions. The statements of Facts should be address only to xJW that want to know those facts. LEt the JW read the facts by themselves and come to their own conclusions by themselves.
3.- A disclaimer or a special welcome section should be prepared to let them know that a lot of us left for very specific and valid reasons and we are here to discuss those reasons. We are not here to gossip nor to just talk bad. Rather to state facts and life experiences. They are welcome to come in and learn the reasons we had to leave. We are not trying to convince them to leave and they should not try to convince us to go back. This is a place of understanding and a place where we can say whatever we want to say without the control of the WT
4.- We should encourage them to talk. To say all the things they can not say in the KH or to the elders. They can bring up all the questions they were afraid to ask. (very important cuz most JW have questions but they cant not ask them for fear of retaliation). This place should be different, they should feel welcome and able to speak up freely. this is not the KH
5.- We ought to understand that they are still In, trapped (knowingly or not) and we are not. We are free from the WT. They need us more than we need them, they just dont know it.
6.- We were in their spot once. We know what it is like.
Anyway thats what my opinion.
if there is a thread started by an active/apologist JW
and you dont wish to read the blather, dont read the blather!
not gonna be a whole lot of free minds dissuaded from their
chosen enlightenment, regardless of how much noo lite TM is being generated by the b0rg... so reject the impulse to engage
instead, start a counter thread, mebbeif there is a comment by an active/apologist JW on YOUR thread
and it goes off-topic, call it what it is but dont become overinvested
because for many struggling to STAY IN, all they will hear is blah blah blah
apostate blah blah... ( kinda like b!tching at a smoker..... they see your
lips moving but can only hear static) -
I'l tellya, we've come such a long way here. A few years ago, JWD was filled with mostly angry exjws. If you questioned them on anything, they would try to rip you a new ***hole. Thankfully, we're a more mature and tolerant group!
I think it is because there is a better understanding of their cult. Before people would just leave thinking they were in the WRONG religion so they were looking only at their faults. Therefore angry at their actions. Now thanks to "new light" given to us by the "Holly Google" we can understand now that their actions are not only the RESULT of their situation and not the CAUSE.
The knowledge that they are mind-controlled allow us to understand them better. Allow us to understand us better (since once we were also under mind control) Once we understand this better it SOOO easy to speak with them. They are no longer the reason of our loosing so many years of our lifes. They are victims as us. The actual criminals are all death by now. I dont even think the GB, the dudes in Bethel the DOs, COs, OOs or anything that has an O :-) have anything to do with it anymore. THEY ARE ALL under mind controlled. I honestly do not think there is a single one who realizes they are CULT full of lies and hypocresy and heresy. They cant. The worst thing is that they are Hypnotized and the Hypnotizer is dead long time ago. If you think about it, it is very SAD.
Dont you feel bad for them? I Do. Specially because I have a lot of relatives inside still.
So rather than scare them away, or preach to them or try to make them feel like idiots, I am constantly thinking of ways to help them "snap-out" of the control of the "Wizard of OZ"