until it comes to assembly parts!
Have you noticed....the skirts?
by ozziepost 17 Replies latest jw friends
I guess they have to be over cautious! They have to go over the top!
I wonder what they'd do if I showed up wearing a skirt, long or mini?
I don't need to fight
To prove I'm right
I don't need to be forgiven. -
drahcir yarrum
It is ironic isn't it Oz? I also noticed during my tenure, that for an organization that puts so much emphasis on sexual morality, there sure was alot of fornicating going on. Not that I have anything against fornicating, but it always struck me as odd. A tremendous number of sexually frustrated females and willing males.
I sense that one of the real benefits of being out of the organization, for females anyway, is that they can now have their sexual intercourse free from that oppressive WTS guilt. Life is good.
Mrs Thirdson reading over my shoulder noticed this thread. I told her that the if wore her little grey skirt to a Kingdom Hall she could get counseled. "That's ridiculous!" she said, "I wear that skirt to work and I work at a church! No one there ever says anything about my skirt." I replied, "you don't work with a bunch of judgmental pharisees."
No, I haven't noticed "the skirts." I don't look AT skirts. I only look UP skirts.
Keeping His 'Eyes on the Prize' Class"I didn't mean what I meant."
I went to metting with my grandparents a while back and I wore this shorter (not mini-skirt) skirt. My grandma kept pestering me about how all the girls in her hall wore long skirts, it was more "fashionable these days". I just told her that I like this skirt and wore it. She still pestered me though. She wanted me to wear this long jacket. When I got there, though, I noticed that alot of the girls did not ware LONG skirts or dresses. They were knee length, like mine.
But then again, I remember from my real JW days a sister complaining about spagetti strap dresses and cleavage control.
I can't remember, why can't men wear beards and still be a JW? Is it a cleanlyness issue?
Reminds me of a convention part once. They had a skit about a witness family with a teenage daughter who wanted to wear a skirt to the meetings and <GASP!> the hemline was about an inch above her knee! You could see most of her knees and that was it. Even when she climbed the stairs to the stage. And for some strange reason, while portrayed in the skit as a skirt it was actually a pair of baggy shorts that from a distance looked like a skirt. Of course in the skit she was counseled about modesty and turned back from her wicked course of knee-exposure. My dad was sitting by the stage, he was a stage attendant back then, and told me later that "them shorts were so baggy I could see her panties when she went up the stairs to the stage". Funny, that comment only now after all these years struck me as "what the hell?! what were you doing looking dad?". Ok, I'll give him credit. I'd have snuck a peek too!
Ironically, during the same convention there was another family skit that had nothing to do with hemlines. The incredibly beautiful Jolie Hubbard was in this one (I bet Slayer remembers her). She had this split in her dress that gave some breathtaking thigh action I can still remember to this day. <sigh!>
Mike.I may not like what you have to say, but many men gave their lives for your right to say it.