"The way of the truth is the best way of living.
No better way can there be found."
Remember that? It's the opening line to 'Make the Truth Your Own'. (My apologies if any of you suffered a gag reflex there.) I was reminded of it because of something my Mum said to me recently, to paraphrase;
"Even if the Society are wrong about some things or even if they are completely wrong and it isn't 'the Truth' I would still stay in because it's the best way of living."
Well I'm sure all of us have heard that sort of sentiment before but have you ever thought just how breathtakingly hypocritical and selfish such a stand is?! To my mind there are three important aspects here.
(1) The JW's relationship with God and Christ.
If a JW accepts the possibility that the Watchtower Society do not have 'the Truth', that in fact there may be no evidence that they are God's sole representatives on Earth, then shouldn't such a person who calls himself 'Christian' put that organisation behind him and search for God elsewhere? Does that person hold Jesus sacrifice as of so little worth that they are effectively saying; "sorry Jesus, I know it was pretty awful on that stake and that you went through all that suffering for me but actually I'm quite happy and cosy with my bunch of chums here in this little misguided bit of false religion and I'm staying put. Hope you don't mind."
(2) The JW's relationship with the public.
Again, if the JW has reached that intellectual point of accepting that they may not have 'the Truth' then surely it is an act of gross hypocrisy and selfishness to present that information as a life saving message? If your only motivation for going out in field service is to spend some nice time with your friends, doing something that may give you all a feeling of having done something 'worthwhile', or even if you hate the ministry and your motivation is just to stay 'regular' so as to preserve those relationships and friendships which you understandably value - well! Never mind the poor buggers at the doors whose very lives you may be risking, or whose marital harmony you might be destroying. Never mind those poor children whose university education you've just jeopordised. So long as you spend a nice hour or two with your friends and have a nice cup of tea at the end of your service then it's all worth it isn't it?!!
(3) The JW's relationship with family members.
Do I even need to write anything here? How can a JW who is capable of accepting that the Truth may in fact not be 'the Truth' shun a family member? Only because of hypocritical self-interest.
I know, I know. They are victims too, they have been misled by masters of cult propaganda just as we all were. But there are so few excuses for ignorance now. Sometimes, you just have to tell it to them like it is.
So how do you say; "Mum, I love you, but you're a selfish and hypocritical woman?"