"The way of the truth is the best way of living. No better way can there be found."

by nicolaou 75 Replies latest jw experiences

  • angel eyes
    angel eyes

    "if your body members you disown...you make known that the truth is your own" sing with me :)

  • mrsjones5

    ""if your body members you disown...you make known that the truth is your own"

    What does that mean? If your body members you disown? Perhaps something about not touching yourself? How would that declare to others that you make the truth your own unless you tell someone you're not touching yourself? I need clarification.

  • Jomavrick

    There are many faulty statements here, but one fundamental ideal that is lost on witnesses is that there is not such thing as "Truth" as it relates to religion. Any religion. All religion is the invention of man (usually men) and is 100% subjected to the filtration of men. It is unprovable in all aspects, hence using the word "Truth" is an errant use of the word. Has anyone actually had contact with God, seen a person come to life from death, seen a person living that has never died has some magical personal knowledge about the history of life and humanity? No. Hence it is merely speculation - and very poor speculation when mixed with the number of ridiculous assumptions made by this religion. Religion is merely an opinion of some man which you buy into or subscribe to. But the opinion of witnesses is actually gambling away the only "real" life they will ever know. There is no "eden or heavenly gates" to quote a pop song, that they are awaiting. I am fine with their choice to squander their own lives, many of them are miserable creatures and have difficulty functioning in society anyway. Just don't knock on my door and sell it to me. Jeff

  • AGuest

    my [fellow] members of the Body... of Christ.... dear Angel Eyes (and peace to you!)

    I know, I know... the song (and you) are not talking about the Body of Christ; it's about the fleshly body. Which is the PROBLEM:

    Since the flesh... is OF NO USE AT ALL (John 6:63)... and since it exists in sin and will do so until it is RELEASED... singing a song based on the Law pertaining to the FLESH (which those who walk by sight do)... which was mediated by Moses and leads to DEATH... the OLD Covenant... rather than learning the [new] "song"... which is based on the Law pertaining to the SPIRIT (which those who walk by FAITH "look" to)... which was mediated by CHRIST and so leads to LIFE... the NEW Covenant... makes absolutely NO sense to me.

    Does it really make sense to YOU?

    Again, I bid you peace!

    A slave of Christ,


  • villabolo

    angel eyes:

    "if your body members you disown...you make known that the truth is your own" sing with me :)"

    We're off to see the wizard

    The wonderful wizard of Oz.


  • mostlydead

    I think the words are, "If your body members you control..."

  • cheerios

    i threw up a little in my mouth when i read that

  • WTWizard

    If the way of the "truth(??)" really is the best way of living, then why are so many people straggling into the Kingdumb Hell just in the nick of time, or late? And, why do so many people straggle in for field circus about 15 minutes late, not feeling like going out? I remember going out in field circus, and the same people always managed to straggle in about 15 or 20 minutes late, with a great big cup of coffee, whining that they don't feel like being out there. I would think people would be eager to get out there, if it really was the best way of living. Not to mention the amount of time that is wasted doing nothing but stupid meandering, errands, and forgotten items at home or at the Kingdumb Hell.

    On top of the dragging of themselves out in field circus, there is the other end of one's life. Suppose someone is born into the cancer. From youth on, they are prevented from actually having any play time. They are dragged out in field circus all the time. While in school, it is basic school only (no playing with other children), and then out in field circus. They graduate, and then waste their lives in field circus while making just enough money to pay their bills (always seeking to cut back), and to put into the Worldwide Pedophile Defense Fund boxes. Never do they have any fun--just boasting sessions, a menial job, and field circus. When they die, are they going to wish they put more hours in field circus--having never enjoyed life?

    The best way of living? Fat chance.

  • angel eyes
    angel eyes

    villabolo...love you (((hugs)) you made me laugh...i needed a good giggle...thankyou.

    Mrsjones....your tops!!! super cool.

  • nicolaou

    angel eyes; Your laughter and giggles are offensive to so many here who've had to endure this so called 'spiritual paradise' or 'best way of living'. I think you are an immature little girl who needs to grow up.

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