and Majority idiocracy. The majority over-breed and under produce brain cells
Generation Change
by garlic81 16 Replies latest jw friends
John Barr at least is a very nice and gentle man.
Rockmehardplace - I think you summarized it well, and Prov1320 - apart from partly foul language, very very wickedly amusing!
If that's true it will feed the 2034 club. Like 1975 the date would be "confirmed" by two independent (though equally goofy) calculations: 120 years from Noah and (80 - 20) x 2 of "overlapping generations". I very much doubt that the WT would want to get officially involved again in such a mess but you never know. In any case there are probably JWs thinking along those lines at some level.
Or maybe mid 2030's is actually the internal deadline to the endtime faction within the WT (GB included) before this direction is abandoned altogether. This means wasting another generation (by the usual sense of the word), of kids who will grow up thinking they won't have to live and die in "this system of things".
Can it actually be stopped? That was tried, and failed, in the late 70s.
In the early 70s my father used to upset the 75 Witnesses by telling them: "the end cannot come in 1975 because it is supposed to come 'at the time you do not think'" (Matthew 24:44 //). By this standard end-time believers will never allow God to bring it on.
Some friends of mine here in Europe added the in other contexts so famous 3 1/2 years to 1975, coming up with spring 1979 as THE moment. Was that done by any R&F friends of yours - anyone?
TOH: never heard of that one. Reminds of the 1260 -> 1290 -> 1335 extensions at the end of Daniel... quite pathetic if you look at it that way.
I remember a fellow pioneer used to (half-)joke about his personal deadline being 1984 (1914 + 70 I suppose); he's still in afaik.
Trying to find some magic formula in Biblical dates and Types-Antitypical applications seems to appeal to the fascination of some, kind of like the Chess gene!
F. Franz of the Society and Paul Johnson of the Laymen's Home Missionary's were never able to quite abandon the Dispensationalist leanings of Charles Russell.
Fundamentalists seem to play their own game with this, cherry picking what they want to be literal and symbolic. Some people just need a Da Vinci Code type mystery to be part of their Belief system.
Has anyone come across any additional information regarding the supposed "generation" change?
“Jesus Christ meant lives of the anointed who were on hand in 1914 would overlap with those whose lives of the anointed see the start of the Great Tribulation.”