I read it in a different light. I took it that several of the review jurors themselves had difficulty with imposing something so serious as the death penalty and were looking to the Bible to see if death penalty was forbidden there.
Anyway, this is being used really as a technicality...
Amnesty International cares not by what technicality of law they can find; they just want to end all death penalties everywhere.
BTW, don't jurors have to answer beforehand in death penalty cases if they have moral objections to opposing it? Where do you suppose they get their moral guidance? Most likely from their religious backgrounds...in many cases, the bible. If a person were a leftist-social cause type as per Amnesty International, (and of course told the truth), then they would be excluded from the jury.
In this case, several took imposing this sentance so seriously that they had to check their moral guidance material (bible). I do not see it differently than asking the "are you in total opposition to the death penalty" question in the first place.