Texas execution looms after jury consult Bible

by behemot 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • JWoods

    I read it in a different light. I took it that several of the review jurors themselves had difficulty with imposing something so serious as the death penalty and were looking to the Bible to see if death penalty was forbidden there.

    Anyway, this is being used really as a technicality...

    Amnesty International cares not by what technicality of law they can find; they just want to end all death penalties everywhere.

    BTW, don't jurors have to answer beforehand in death penalty cases if they have moral objections to opposing it? Where do you suppose they get their moral guidance? Most likely from their religious backgrounds...in many cases, the bible. If a person were a leftist-social cause type as per Amnesty International, (and of course told the truth), then they would be excluded from the jury.

    In this case, several took imposing this sentance so seriously that they had to check their moral guidance material (bible). I do not see it differently than asking the "are you in total opposition to the death penalty" question in the first place.

  • PSacramento

    Case study:

    A group of people, a jury, are debating the outcome(sentance) of a criminal found guilty of murder, one of the options is the death penalty.

    The groub debates and a couple are not sure about killing the murder, the debate shows that the majority thing it is OK because the bibel says so, the two in question ask,"where does the bibel say that?", the bible is produced to answer that question.

    The two reslove their doubts based on that debate with the fellow jurors.

    Was the bible an "ouside influence" since it had already influneced the majority BEFORE the jury was even selected?

  • Judge Dread
    Judge Dread
    It might be well to realize that Amnesty International does not think that ANYBODY, ANYWHERE should receive the death penalty, including that Mumia guy who killed a cop and was caught with the gun in his hand.


    You might as well talk to the wall rather than these people.

    Bible, Schmible.

    This person killed a 64 year old man................IN HIS OWN HOME.

    Elsewhere, if that was your dad, or your grandfather, you wouldn't be making a joke out of it. Your brain is "Elsewhere", as it is for the others, except for JWoodpecker.

    Judge Dread

  • sammielee24

    If the guy was guilty of brutally murdering the victim as was stated, and the death penalty was the sentence - and this was a judgement according to the laws of the country and NOT the laws of religion, then referencing the bible was totally unnecessary. This may infringe on the rights of the accused to a fair judgement because that judgement was not based on law but perhaps on religious beliefs and religious 'law'. I hope Perry wasn't involved in this case - Texas is getting enough bad publicity....sammieswife.

  • Deputy Dog
    Deputy Dog

    I'm sure the bible is in all legal libraries. I don't see the problem. I don't care what books they consult.

  • JWoods
    Texas is getting enough bad publicity....sammieswife.

    Texans don't necessarily consider it bad publicity. Again, as I see it - the jurors imposed the LAW of the LAND, not that of the bible. Some of them checked the bible as a final reference of personal conscience only, not to obtain the law.

    Every jury has to impose not only the cold facts of the law, but also the common sense of the current society (hence "jury of your peers"), and of course their own conscience as they will have to live with this for all the rest of their lives.

    That is, in fact, the LAW of the Jury system.

  • Elsewhere

    If I was on the jury and saw people trying to consult the bible... I would seriously hang the jury until someone let me consult the Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.

    Seriously... I WOULD! That is literally how insane I view the bible.

  • B-Rock

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