Having explained/pointed out the doctrinal flip flops to some JW's i know i was astonished to find that they just brushed it all aside, on one occasion they seemed to just tune me out and quit listening. The GB really do have them whipped, it makes me wonder what it would take for them to sit up and realise what a insane religon they are in?! and in the meantime how much can the GB get away with because of the blind faith of their followers??
what else could they get away with?
by highdose 10 Replies latest jw experiences
I think it was Voltaire that said, 'those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities'
I have heard of other cults where the leaders have made the members drink poison, and others where people have been slaughtered. And, if the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger were to make something up where people were to serve them 24/7 without a break, they would have just as much success as did the other cults where they were killed with poison or other means.
As the WTS cult falls apart slowly, or perhaps quickly with enough lawsuits for pedophiles and blood issues and stuff, I imagine they will push the envelope here and there.
They might get away with an almost total ban of the internet. I don't think they will actually try to get away with forbidding it, but I can see them forbid the chat and research stuff. If they had the balls to do it, I could see them offer a "filter" to their members that would also track the members. They would say that internet porn is so prevalent that they want members to install the filter to prevent "abuse" of pornography. You couldn't be an MS or elder without the filter installed- of course, who would know what secondary computer you have/use and where you get your internet connection? But still, wives would be convinced that there's an epidemic and husbands would feel compelled to prove to their wife that they don't have a pornography problem, so they would allow the filter at home.
There are a lot of total die-hards who hang on every word like its from God's mouth.
I believe there are many who would go the route of Jim Jones' followers and "drink the kool aid" if the GB said to.
Why would so many people I know have lasted through 1975 and STILL remained?
I know of a few old men who are still window washers who had lost it all due to those boneheads in 75 and still stayed totally "faithful"
I agree with OTWO - they could go after the internet big time. It has to be the biggest fear - people who get disillusioned have a wealth of knowledge on the internet that is so damning to the WTBTS...............
Other things they could "ban" or strongly suggest against:
1) Sports - they already have boxing, skydiving, etc....why not add more? They could point out the "violence" and "win at all costs" mentality, the "patriotism" of the World Cup and Olympics, etc......
2) Movies - They already have the unwritten "R" rated rule for the USA, why not tighten that up?
Its all about control - how far do they want to push the envelope?
Rules on grooming. Rules on hobbies, free time.
Rules in the bedroom. Rules on medical treatment.
Rules on association. Rules on education.
Rules on association outside the organization. Rules on worship, religious activities.
Rules on acceptable entertainment. Rules on questioning the rules or organization.
Rules on wrong thinking. Rules on employment.
Rules on voting and politics. Rules on dating, courtship.
Rules on obeying higher authorities. Rules on family conduct.
Rules on not pointing out the hypocrisy of the organization.
I think they have it pretty much covered, they can make changes to these at any time.
"it makes me wonder what it would take for them to sit up and realise what a insane religon they are in?!"
Well, not too long ago I did realize what an insane religion I was (physically still in but mentally out.) The thing that made me find out all this stuff was the internet and the wealth of information that on the internet. I really hope more and more people wake up.
Now just curious highdose, what things did you mentioned to those JW's? I have of course seen that reaction from JW's almost every time I try to bring some question up (very cautiously.) As a matter of fact, I used to show that same reaction myself some time ago! But I am just curious, what things did mention?
Sorry about all the typos, by the way. I am still getting used to the fact that I can't modify my own posts :(
Out at Last!
1) Sports - they already have boxing, skydiving, etc....why not add more? They could point out the "violence" and "win at all costs" mentality, the "patriotism" of the World Cup and Olympics, etc......
I had an elder tell me that a JW would not ride a motorcycle. That never slowed down my riding a bit, as a matter of fact, I rode down his driveway and turned around in front of his house the same day I bought my brand new bike. He wasn't home, but his JW neighbors quickly filled him in.
Hi folks,i'm a 40 watchtower slave.............ex slave now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!And i'm an expert on jw history....................................So ask away.I will be glad to enlighten all...................witchtowerwitch signing off for now!Stay tuned for my best work ok?