I think this is a brilliant thread Highdose 1 ,
Having seen what they have got away with in the past, and still do with those even half in, (see the threads praising today's WT study ), WTF ?
I would not be surprised at any nonsense they come out with being swallowed by the rank and file. It is frightening to think that they, the GB/Writing Comm. wield such power, but they DO !
I think that instead of becoming more reasonable and Mainstream, they will become more paranoid and Cultish, demanding more and more from their members, especially in a monetary way, I mean, boy do they have a cash-flow problem !
Perhaps the outlandish demands will wake up more Dubs, for example I was a mind-controlled Dub, to a great degree, for 58 years, but when they came out with their "don't look at the internet " stuff, "we will tell you what to think " that woke me up !
I just pray that they make more wrong moves, they have been quite clever in keeping it all going, but they may not continue to be so good at it as the internet exposes them.