Do you remember how you once answered questions like; "Do you really believe that God will destroy everyone but Jehovah's Witnesses"? If you were like me you'd have looked your questioner in the eye and, in all honesty, said "No". If necessary I'd have gone on to explain that "Jehovah offers everyone the opportunity to live forever, our preaching work is an attempt to give all nations . . yadda, yadda, yadda." You get the picture.
So why is it that now we are 'out' we should expect anything different from our family and friends who are still trapped? We need to frame our questions carefully!
"Do you really believe that God will destroy everyone but Jehovah's Witnesses?"
"Do you really believe God will kill everyone who persistently rejects the message Jehovah's Witnesses bring?"
"Would you let your child die if they needed blood?"
"If all other options had been exhausted and only a series of platelet transfusions would save your child's life, would you permit it?"
And so on. The new questions may be less pithy but the reason is obvious, you've limited the wiggle room and closed down the escape routes. You are forcing their minds to face options which they would normally step over.
Ask your JW relatives the RIGHT QUESTIONS!
by nicolaou 16 Replies latest jw friends
Deputy Dog
For our purposes, it's not always the answer, it's the thought, or what can I get them to think about, that they don't want to think about.
Absolutely DD. I think I attempted that in your last topic
Deputy Dog
It's a good thing you Brits get up in the morning before I do. But, I was on to ya
. I am an outsider so i dont have the knowledge that you do about typical answers. I will remember the two examples that you gave. KEEP THEM COMING IF YOU HAVE MORE!
Nice one. As we know it there are preconceived answers to most of the questions right from the GB, so that takes the thinking part and any responsability away from the JW. We need questions that force them to actually think out an answer instead of spitting out the well-rehearsed ones from the Reasoning book or other literature.
My father and I had the following conversation back in June, after he'd been to the Convention and he told me "they're saying Armageddon is on our doorstep"...
Heaven: "They've been saying that for over 130 years, Dad and it hasn't come".
Dad: "But they're saying it's real close now."
Heaven: "What reason are they giving?"
Dad: "Well, the economic situation is so bad right now. And of course, there are many other bad things happening too."
Heaven: "Do you feel our economic situation is worse than it was during the Great Depression?" (pauses for a few seconds) "Do you feel things are as bad now as they were during the First and Second World Wars?"
Dad: -- silence --
Heaven: "If the economy is the reason, why didn't it arrive during the Great Depression? If things are so bad, why didn’t it come back when one of the World Wars was occurring?"
Dad: -- silence --
Heaven: "The JWs need to stop saying Armageddon is coming 'soon' Dad because when it doesn't arrive 'soon' they lose credibility."
Heaven then changes the subject.
I don't want to get into an argument with him. I try to calmly and with kindness point out the flaws in their thinking. If he brings up the subject I don't hesitate to point these out but I try to do it in a kind and loving manner. I use humour sometimes if it's appropriate like the one time I was telling him about Rutherford's late 30s/early 40s spiel about 'don't have children or get married as there is lots to do in the months before Armageddon'. My Dad laughed at the comment Rutherford made about himself being an ass to have said those things. I am not sure how long my father has left to live so I try to limit any negative interaction.
Gauging Armageddon by the evening news was a real mind game. You can only go to that well so many times and then its 'Wait a second! time.
The JW's have really brought this question answering to an art form, regarding critical ones.
How can you be as evasive as possible, but somehow make people think you gave them a direct answer?
Having a deceiving personality helps alot.
Yes, kinder and gentler questions are needed to reach the hearts and minds of those struggling with their cognitive dissonance.
I think it's getting to be time for me to read RELEASING THE BONDS again.