Ask your JW relatives the RIGHT QUESTIONS!

by nicolaou 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • AllTimeJeff

    I think the key is to put a face to the faceless.

    JW art (not subliminal btw) paints those who are not JW's as angry, evil, dishonest persons.

    The people JW's call on typically are nice, law abiding, loving, and family oriented.

    The key is to get them to see the people at the door as people, instead of cartoon characters out of a WT that are going to have piano's fall on their heads.

    "Can it really be that a confused teenager will be destroyed by Jehovah? Do you think Jehovah will destroy those who thought that the generation who saw 1914 would see Armageddon? That was wrong, just like other dogma JW's show are wrong? Whats the difference?"

    Blood is a little harder to reason on, its such a "demonized" subject. But I like the attempts I have read here so far.

  • leavingwt

    Good points.

    The indoctrination gives JWs "stock" answers for most questions.

    If they're ever going to think for themselves, they MUST be asked questions for which they do not have automatic responses.

  • Chalam

    The indoctrination gives JWs "stock" answers for most questions.

    If they're ever going to think for themselves, they MUST be asked questions for which they do not have automatic responses.

    Agreed. Also, it is good to ask questions which get JWs to consider their stock answers.

    The "right questions" as far as I am concerned are about Jesus.

    Many other issues are periphery and can be red herrings and dead end unless they relate to Christ.

    Examples included birthdays, Christmas, blood, salvation, "the name", the Holy Spirit etc. All these are directly connected with Jesus and the WT twist these issues to disconnect JW from Him.

    All the best,


  • lancelink

    Wow, this is a really interesting post I am enjoying it immensly !!

  • TD

    Point well made, Nic. It's all in how the question is phrased.

    "Do you really believe that God will destroy everyone but Jehovah's Witnesses?"

    A JW can truthfully answer, "No" to this question because they believe that even some of Jehovah's Witnesses won't make it either.

  • Heaven

    Something that I've noticed about my father is the following trait...

    He speaks of JWs in the third person sometimes.... like, he isn't connected to or is outside of it especially when it's about something that can be refuted or is ugly. Two cases in point are:

    1) The failure of Armageddon to materialize.

    2) Pedophilia.

    Regarding Armageddon, he uses phrases such as 'They're saying it's close' and 'The Society says it's on our doorstep.'

    Since his previous congregation had a pedophile amongst them, when he speaks about this situation specifically, he says things like 'Well, that's those people. I have nothing to do with that.' This, coming from a Ministerial Servant.

    I think it's his way of saying "Well I am not to be held responsible for the mistakes of the WTS."

  • BluesBrother

    You are forcing their minds to face options which they would normally step over.

    If you are talking to one of the few J W's who will actually think. The ones in the family are more like skillful politicians who do anything to avoid a straight answer to a difficult question..If that doesn't work they resort to insults and raised voices , then tell me I am the stupid one....


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