New Light on Prayer in NOV 15 WT Study Edition

by lepermessiah 56 Replies latest jw friends

  • AGuest
    The Society makes a statement on it (such as playing school sports) and the elders and other jws take it to the next level. And that level is virtually always more strict and pharisaic.

    Yes, in fulfillment of what my Lord is recorded to have said at John 10:12-14:

    "The hired man(the "Society" and their "Faithful/Discreet Slave"), who is NO shepherd (remember, (1) we only have ONE shepherd - John 10:16; and (2) they refer to the "elders" as "shepherds" and not themselves)... and to whom the sheep do NOT belong, beholds the WOLF coming... AND ABANDONS THE SHEEP AND FLEES - and the WOLF ("elders" and "COs")SNATCHES THEM AND SCATTERS THEM - because he is a HIRED man(vs. a shepherd)...AND DOES NOT CARE FOR THE SHEEP."

    May the day come... and soon... when ALL will hear... and get the SENSE of this truth.

    Again, I bid you peace!

    A slave of Christ,

    SA, who says to dear Angel Eyes, dear one... you CANNOT slave for two "masters." You cannot. For either you WILL come to hate the one and love the other... or stick to the one... and despise the other. You can only have ONE "leader"... Christ... or the WTBTS. You cannot have both. Truly. Matthew 23:10 For the Most Holy One of Israel, JAH of Armies... only appointed one: His Son and Christ, our Lord, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH.

  • angel eyes
    angel eyes

    yes happydad i will do...

    Im sure though no one will say anything.

    aguest...yes my master is Jehovah, i will always remain loyal to him. To Jah i serve and stand side by side, satan, nor mere man will come between us.

  • AGuest

    May you have peace!

    My master... is Christ... whose Master is JAH of Armies. There is no "Jehovah," dear one. The letters that you know as JHVH... and the WTBTS call "Jehovah"... are actually JaHVeH... (some say, "YahWeh" but that's not entirely accurate)... which means, "JAH (which you use from time to time, and are to be commended for)... breathes armies [of angels] into existence/causes armies [of angels] to come into existence." JAH...veh. JAH... of Armies. Jeremiah 28:2; Romans 9:29; Psalm 68:4

    Even so, if it is the MOST Holy One of Israel that you are "serving," then I admonish you to WAKE UP... and see what you are really "touching." I understand why you defend her: you are a loyal servant. Unfortunately, your loyalty is [very] misplaced. You should, then, direct it at the One who is calling YOU... and serve Him... through serving His Son... and none other.

    May you have ears to hear (and you really should condescend to read all that I am writing, where such addresses you, for it is by the Holy Spirit that I have been directed to address you. The choice is, of course, yours...)

    I bid you peace!

    YOUR servant, and a slave of Christ,


  • daniel-p

    It's great we have another "scholar" on the boards these days. Pretty soon we'll all be wearing tin foil hats and blathering on like a Dr. Bronner's soap bottle.

  • Goshawk

    Doh!!!! Now I have to get a soap bottle too??

  • BluesBrother

    I did not bother reading this article in detail when it arrived but now that we have discussed it - the article is encouraging respect and decorum in what is meant to be seen as a "Holy" act of worship.

    It does say that they expect that married couples might "discreetly hold hands" I am surprised that they go that far. When I was in, I always thought that was a yukky thing to do (but each to their own, I guess)

    They do say that it would wrong for a group to hold hands ...(too right, there is no way that I would join that if I were anywhere that tried it)

    As for cuddling during the prayer? surely that is gross disrespect if you really think that it is a connection with the Almighty?? If you think it is a chance for a quick hug, well ok, but do not call it religion..

    Maybe we Brits are a more old fashioned about this kind of thing? But it seems to me that if you take it seriously then you would act reverentially. What do they do in other churches? I guess if you are kneeling down the question may not arise

  • finding my way
    finding my way

    For starters, I really love Dr. Bronners soap ;)

    I agree that no one should have the power to require others to not embrace during a prayer or even for a group to hold hands. I grew up in a big family (there were 8 of us living at home at one point). We always held hands at meetings and we took up the whole row. I don't see anything wrong with that. Also, I always thought it was loving for a man to put his arm around his wife during a prayer or song. As a little girl I couldn't wait for the day when I had my own husband to show me the same love.

    They don't have the right to make these decisions for people. There are so many different views and consciences out there. It should be up to each and every individual to make their own decisions on how to do their hair, wear their clothes, etc. etc. the Watchtower seeks to make everyones decisions for them. It's ridiculous.

    I'm reading Steven Hassans Book on How to Combat Cult Mind Control and I'm blown away with the similarities of WAtchtower and other cult techniques. I read last night that Cults make so many decisions for you that you really lose a lot of the ability to make your own decisions. I remember calling up an older friend when I was in high school to ask him if we believed in Dinosaurs!! I knew that there have been bones upon bones found and all the scientific research was an obvious yes. Duh! but if he would have told me no, that the Watchtower stated in such and such arcticle that dinosaurs couldn't have possibly been on the planet, I would have believed them instead. Maybe it was worse because I was raised in.. I got used to believing things without evidence. I certainly don't think I'm a stupid person, it's just a nasty affect of being in such a controlled group.

    But anyhow, I think this kind of thing in the Watchtower is clearly designed to control and unify the rank and file members to create a sense of reliance on the group and a sense of unity. It's always something new. Now if you see people embracing at a meeting, the automatic response is "Obviously they are rebelious, They must have missed that meeting or They must be weak". You either follow their directions or you become a "fringe" member to be cautious of. Sure you have some "freedom" of choice.. but certainly not without consequences. So is that really free?? Maybe not.


  • SirNose586

    Sick, sick, sick. That's the only way to describe this new Pharisaic law. When I saw married couples who were very close during prayers--and by very close I mean his hand around her waist, her head on his shoulder--I really thought that was a great. It was unusual to see any couple that close! And it felt good to see that in that very spiritual moment, they could also be intimate. As an unmarried man, I thought it was great to see. I looked forward to sharing that same allowable PDA with my future wife.


    How much longer until they "suggest" that men and women should sit on opposite sides of the hall, so as to prevent any "distractions" from the opposite sex?

  • hamsterbait

    Angel -

    I was a True Believer for 40 years. The WTBTS has its own way of redefining words and inventing its own use of vocabulary.

    If the words "might be stumbled" are used that is BORG CODE

    In this instance STUMBLED = CANNOT.

    The fear of bloodguilt (a Jewish concept) among JWS is so great they will avoid the risk of being a "cause for stumbling"

    The other type of code for cannot is when the WT suggests that "others" may not view you in a favorable light. (eg with regard to a vasectomy) This also = CANNOT.

    How long have you been a witness? I found, myself, that it was only by seeing what I was told to and not seeing what was in front of me that I could stay sane. Once I decided not to lie to myself, I was driven almost insane - to the point of alcoholism, and contemplating suicide.

    If being a JW truly makes you happy then go for it, but please dont deny the reality others on this board now see.


  • mrsjones5

    "Hand jobs...Ewww"

    I take it you've never touched one. You can always wash your hand

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