Did the elders ignore you when you need their help?

by asilentone 44 Replies latest jw experiences

  • kriptonian7

    my sister has been disfellowshipped recently after being baptised for maybe 1 year. She was seeign this horrible man that was almost 3 times her age. For maybe 3 months. Due to my mothers sad attempt at parenting again (after 3 children youd think she would have got it right by now) my sister was driven further from her family and the congregation* which i felt was good for her. She had good friends that I felt were a pretty good influence on her. My sister at the ripe age of rebellion 18, was constantly butting heads with my mother who only knows how to handle things with the theory of "jehovah says you are suposed to be obediant, so you why are you not" ??

    My sister got baptised to keep my mother appeased and she truely believed thats what she wanted to do, but she didnt grasp what it meant to everyone else. Anyway, some back story. my sister was sexually abused by her step father at a very young age maybe 7 -10 yrs. sh just recently (19) has been seeing someone about it. I am no psychologist, but i would guess her premiscuous (sp?) acts would have a little to do with this. And the fact that she is a teenager in a house with her second step father that treats her like the help, coupled with the fact that my mother just lets him because he is the man of the house, and Jehovah says that she is suposed to be obediant to him..not to mention that he is this bandwagoner JW that has realized my mother will pretty much do what he says because he reads "examining the scriptures daily" as he eats his dinner.

    My sister decides she will stay with this guy which I know is not going to last, i have spoken to her about it and tried to talk some sense into her. She is just pushing back. So mother tries to correct the problem by taking away her (which she did not buy) locking her into the house so she cannot go see him, and just all around fighting with her and treating her like she is 5. So to the relevance of the topic at hand, my mother decides she is going to bring the brothers into the picture and have them speak to her. 2 elders and some other guy.

    They basically tell her that if she doesnt quit she will be dissfellowshipped. Instead of helping her, they threaten her with something that she obviously at the time does not care about. An 18 yr old on the verge of eing thrown out of her home with no job or place to live doesnt give a sh@t about those things. They do not know her history, they do not know that she has deep psychological scars, and they sure as hell are not fully equipped to handle this situation the proper way. So in a fit of final rebellion, my sister sya s fine DF me i dont care, she moves out of my mother's house and in with the 42 yr old ex con. So again my mother attempts to raise her children by dumong them off on the Elders and the brothers.

    My brother and I finally locate her and confront this fool because we got word that he hit her, and we got some police friends of ours involved, my siste finally figured out that that was a very dumb idea and we finally got her some real help...psychological help where she is working on these inner turmoils from the horrible horrible things that were done to her as a young child.

    MY POINT: (finally right?) the elders are of no help when it comes to certain situations. My ssiter's life was completely obliteratted in a span of two weeks due to some teenage hardheadedness and some internal issues. She has no contact with her mother (which is actually good ) her real father, our grandparents and many of her friends with no place to live or car to drive because the elders uneducated desicion was to just out cast a child that needed help, not to be taught a lesson. i told my mother calling them was a bad idea and it will do nothing but end badly. She now wants to reach out to my sister who basically gives her the perverbial finger due to her being cast out of the family by outsiders for what? A situation that was resolved in less than 3 weeks from their desicion to DF her.

    In all fairness, i have known two elders that were/are damn fine men and friends. They are fair and just and are understanding. they really helped me thru somethings when i was younger that my parents or family could not handle or understand. there are good men out there that can help, but they are few and far between. Which tells me that these people are not chosen by God to lead a flock. they are chosen by man, and it is hit or miss on how well they do.

    Do they ignore? yes and no i think they are just ignorant on how to deal with people. Im sorry there is no chapter in the Bible that says how to handle a formerly sexually abused teen with with atachment and authority issues. so unless they know how their answer is always the same...they do not think outside the box and try to help. their version of helping is like my mother's...throw them out and they will elarn their lesson, which is not compassionate nor intelligent

    and yes i am obviously bitter...lol

    * i am no longer in the Organization, but my entire family is. *

  • witchtowerwitch

    Kriptonian7..................i will be your friend ok?And i will tell you things about the elders,and the GB,HQ that you may not know.First,i'm so sorry to hear about what happened to your sister.She was baptized as a child,but tried as an adult,and that is just plain wrong,next,Jesus was a perfect man,and yet he was not baptized until 30 years of age,so if the jws say that they follow the first centuries teachings closely,they are wrong.No one under 30 should make a vow to Jehovah,because they are just too young to realize the full scope of the vows,and second,going over a small list of baptisimal questions 100 or over 300,or whatever,does not teach the child whats totally involved in becoming a watchtower slave,because it is not as they project it,just a dedication to Jehovah.It is more about legally being bound under watchtower laws,than the laws of God.To prove my point,it was in 1985 that the GB,rewote the second baptisimal vow.What and why was it changed??????????????????????????Here it is ok?............................First,Jesus said in Matt.28,19+20............to "go therefore and make disiples,and to teach them, and to baptize them in the name of the father and the son and the holy ghost or spirit"...........The first vow didn't change much i think?But in 1985 the second one did,as they used to say a vow of dedication to the spirit,as Jesus commanded in the afore mentioned scripture,but the new 2nd vow now states,..................................vowed dedication to the lords visible organization.The GB did this for one reason only,and that is because legally before 1985,one could sue the wbts,for libel,when they were disfellowshiped,because they never vowed dedication to the wbts,but from 1985 and onward,no newly baptized jw can sue the wbts for punihing them,and shunning them,because they vow a dedication to the laws of the wbts,and are legally bound the all of the churchs rules.So if an elder,or group of elders disfellowships a brother or sister,they are fxxked.................Hummmmmmmmmmmmm???????????????????????????????????Is that not Apostacy in full form????????????By omiting the word spirit,and replacing it with,the lords organization??????????????????????????????What hypocracy right??????????What a blasphemy against the holy spirit???????????????????????...........Hummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm?

  • kriptonian7

    thank you watchtowerwitch,

    She is doing much better now and she is getting her head on straight. "baptised as a child , tried as an adult" never thought about it like that. And that is so true. The pressure from the elders to get baptised at a young age was/is ridiculous.

    I am just now starting to read all these things that i was blind to through out all my entire life that would have never occured to me. little backstory nuances like this info you just gave me. I bet you anything 90% of the people in the congregation know noting about this. And if they did, they would dismiss it as something that had to be done.

    aaaarrrggghhh so blind its incredible!

  • witchtowerwitch

    Hi Kriptonian7,....................It's nice to here from you man.I am not a radical ex-witness,that has hate for these people.I actually worry about the rank and file in there,in the kingdom halls ok?What i do know is that Jehovah will destroy all false teachers,remember what proverbs 18:18-22 says???????????????????..............Anyway,as i said in my other posts,i know 1 million things wrong with,and inside the wbts teachings,so if you want to know anything,just ask,and i'll deliver,ok good lookin?????????And please tell your sister that i love her,and that even though i don't know her,i do know exactely what she went through ok?..................The reason that i know so much about the jws,is not just because i spent 40 years in there,it is also because at my job,i had access to a computor lab with internet equipement.I sat in there for 2 hours ever night on second shift in that lab.,.................just researching everything that i could get my hands on,on the internet about the jws.And i did this for 5 years straight!!!!!!!7 days a week,so i really found endless dirt on,and about these people.Jws would say,that we harp on all of the faults,and that we don't offer any good news about the kingdom like they do,but all anyone has to do is just read the bible themsleves,to learn of Jehovahs promises for the future.If Gods word is his complete work for us to follow,and for us to be equiped for EVERY good work,then why do we need a governing body to rewrite the bible in the way they interperit it,and to print it in books or magazines??????????????????????.............Hummmmmmmmmmmmmmm???And by the way..............their is not supposed to be a GB anyway ok?..............Just try to find that structure in your new world translations index,or in any bible passage.............you won't because it's not there ok??????????????Just take a look for it ok?.........Just because there was older men in the jersusalem congregation,,,,,,,,,,,,,does not mean that they ran the church back then,because the Apostle Paul was comissioned directly by Jesus from Antioch..............not by a GB...............not by a long shot..........go to your bible to see this point ok?The elders do not like me at all.For you see,when they bump into me in public,or stop by at my house,and i gladly invite them in to talk,they talk for a while,and i listen,and when they are all done with their bs,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,i ask them if i can ask them some questions.They say yes,so i ask them a lot questions from their own bible,which they can not answer,and it kills them,and i ask them questions about all of their teachings written in the pages of their own watchtower publications up to this day,and again,no answer.Do you know what happens next,they all start shaking,and smoke comes out of there ears,while there little brains gears try to find me a scripture to prove me wrong,and the blood runs out of there faces,as they become pale white with panic.These big time spiritual giants,and cock sure preachers,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,are in an instant...rendured speachless by me,,,,,,,,,,,,what a sad sight it is man...............But i'm happier the hell,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,I know more truth,and the real truth about the truth than they do ok?Mabey some day we can meet for coffee..........but we are not allow to post contact info., on here,so i don't know.????

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    Just being a Witness is quite enough to drive the most sane person to an extreme sate of depression.

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