i always got the impression that they got a kick out of exluding and looking down their nose at "lesser" JW's
anyone got any theories?
by highdose 13 Replies latest jw friends
They are no different to any other worldly group or organisation, there's always the losers. There are probably more per capita amongst the witnesses tho, due to them having the superior attitude to the outside world then it's only a natural thing to look down on those witnesses who may have less, a disability or anything else they may see as being below them.
This came out of the Society's emphasis on being 'Theocratic', who was a good Witness. We had our own language with specific phrases that let anyone know if you were really a active Witness going to all of the meetings. We had our own reward/punishment codes, who was a regular publisher or aux. pioneer or pioneer and who was allowed to be on Assembly parts. Dress, grooming, recreation, you name it and it got judged. In a short time you find yourself caught up in it.
From the Governing Body down to the 'Rank and File' there was intentional inner religious prejudice.
I posted this a few years back:
When I was an elder I often was approached by publishers who wanted to report some kind of bad conduct by a brother or sister. This led to all kinds of unpleasant, unloving situations. The first question of the accused was always "Who told you this?" We couldn't tell them. They would be (justifiably) angry. Many times this led to committee meetings and a few times action was taken, not because of the reported infraction, but because of the resulting fallout.
Scully's got it!
Witnesses are disturbingly jealous people and quietly hateful. As an elder, I was constantly appalled at the attitudes I encountered. If someone was doing well and having success, there was hateful jealousy felt by countless others. I knew a sister who was shunning her dad - and surprize! he suddenly died of a massive coronary. Too bad she never got to say goodbye.
I'm sorry to say that I found sisters to the worst. Shunning at the drop of a hat. You couldn't manage the Theocratic School schedule because there was always some sister shunning some other sister and so they wouldn't show up to give the talk.
The same was true for arranging groups for field service - and pioneers could be among the worst. This one hated that one and wouldn't work with them.
Don't EVER BELIEVE that crap about loving one another! The Society used to have talks in which they said ' well, what if persecution came and you had to share a prison cell with them' - because that actually happened and Witnesses eagerly betrayed each other.
no not other jw...but some who leave like to continue to nag and nag...blah blah lol